Yvette Regrets

Is crowdfunding really so strange?

How will he fund the album with touring, if he never actually makes it to any of his shows?

Yeah, I think Pearl and Trixie are super hot out of drag (and whatever, I'd tap Pearl in drag as well)-which is my shallow reason for cheering them on.

Right? By all accounts, Edith Massey was a total sweetheart.


I love that show because I like to pretend I live in a fantasy world where cops actually care about rape and sex crimes.

I may start telling people I have a Masters in Classy Broad Studies-I think people would understand it better than what I actually have a Masters in.

At the bar where I was watching this, someone very loudly exclaimed "Yr both awful-go home go home"

I agree GIng was great as Edith Massey but I guess I wished the scene had been between her and the Egg Man not her and Divine-I feel like Trixie's Egg Man could have been brilliant.

I'll see your Lisp and raise you a Chicken impersonation.

I'm so sick of team challenges-what's up this season?!?!?!

I think Kennedy's destined for top three (which makes me sad-bc I DO NOT care for her). But I've seen her perform live and I think she'll dance the crap out of the other queen during her lip sync as long as the song is energetic enough.

How do you take John Waters and make it boring? Just ask Lucian to be involved.

I expected so much more from Trixie this episode-her dress wasn't even ugly, just dated. I don't like Ginger, but this was her episode to win—-I kind of wish Trixie had been the egg man though. I'm also kind of surprised by how much (facially) Violet was able to look like Divine-the padding was stupid and wrong but

I initially thought that Pearl was going to do some kind of marionette/puppet thing but nope, she just kind of performed, sort of.

That lip sync was so depressing. Demi Lovato looked pleased but I don't know why

Gay sex does make everything hotter….

Aw- my dad used to live in Chula Vista, I've spent many a childhood summer though. Memories……

Godspeed You! Black Emperor puts on one hell of a show-I go see them whenever they're in town

My favorite Slavic restaurant is housed inside a bar that mainly hosts Metal and Hardcore shows-there's been so many times when I'm going to pick up my beet soup to go and have had to sit through a set by Goatwhore or Eyehategod. One time I stumbled onto a death metal showcase of like 6 different bands and I amused