Yvette Regrets

I've only heard of Bipolaroid-they're local and I've seen fliers for their shows but have no clue what they sound like

Department of Portmanteaus is my Radio Dept cover band

I feel kind of bored and wish I had someone to talk to

I love the valley oh hahahahahahaha

Now I have to go listen to Fiona Apple, damn you

I'm not creeped out-how do the kids talk these days? Snapchat? Instagram? Feel free to hit me up. P.S. I'm loving this Lilith Faire callback convo


I read roughly 3/4 of the first book and then gave up

A guy I was dating forced me to watch Twin Peaks and I dumped him right as we were beginning the second season —so thank god I never had to finish it. I hated it, it was trying too hard to be weird.

I watched it on a first class bus traveling through Mexico dubbed in Spanish, which really is the only way to watch it.

Tegan and Sarah and Breaking Bad. Sorry exes-don't care about any of this

When I was in undergrad, I worked for the college radio station, and literally every DJ was obsessed with Anal Cvnt

That better still be legal in America or I'm going to jail

I’ve been getting told I look like Natalie Merchant since
high school, which is really just me giving away my age since I’m admitting
that I went to high school in an era when 10,000 Maniacs was popular enough for
teenagers to know who they were. P.S.
Yes indeed to that Tigerlily callback.

This dramatic retelling is probably better than the actual movie-but damned if I don't want to watch it anyway

I'm a girl and I read erotica (aka story porn like it's going out of style) all of my lady friends love porn of all types
-I think it's just a weird baseless stereotype.

Sad that it's already taken or else I'd want that for my biopic - well either that or "Not Without My Swimsuit"

My fav book when I was 13!

I hardcore wish I was sleeping with danger right now.

Also in real life, I look like a heavily tattooed Natalie Merchant, it's for the best