Yvette Regrets

I also gave up mid season 3-I just can't with that show

I somehow watched this Sesame Street scene for the first time earlier this year, a month or so after my dad died. I think it's the most eloquent depiction of grief I've seen.

Poor Meg, can you imagine how embarrassing it is to have Jack White trying to constantly high five you?

Joan. That is all.


They'[ll probably give him a castle or something. I doubt he'll just languish in poverty.

Um, shoegaze is amazing. DOWNVOTE

From what we saw of Chaz's sour pants personality in the talk show episode, I think he and Courtney make the perfect boring ass couple. I hope those crazy kids make it!

Adore and Bianca look very much like Drag Mother and Daughter. But I've been screaming forevs that Adore just needs to change her last name and join the House of Del Rio.

I love my mental image of Judge Judy at home with a glass of wine curled up on the sofa watching Drag Race.

I'm not sure if they filmed the three endings this year or not? I went to the All Stars on the Road thing and Jinkx and Michelle both implied that Bianca was the winner. So maybe everyone knew?

It's especially sad bc it's obvious that they're TOTALLY BONING

I dated someone like this; goddamn it's annoying. Which, maybe is Laganja's problem.

Wesley WIllis played a house show at my first apt (I was 18 and lived with like ten other people and had nothing to do with setting up said show) and he was so kind and warm, but I feel like everyone there was basically like "omg this dude is nuts it's amazing". It made me incredibly uncomfortable and I honestly

Haha, but seriously, I'm an architectural historian, I have MA, does ANYBODY want to give me a job?

Dream Pop! Any shoegaze fans are good in my book

Drag should never be about looking like an attractive woman. Pretty drag queens tend to be boring drag queens (Manila Luzon and Jujubee excepted)

Where do you live? I'm 32 and I'm literally one of the only people I know who lives alone. And I live in a shoebox of an apt.

In pretty much all my late 90s high school photos, we're all dressed like we walked off the Buffy set. I remember very clearly wearing a powder blue mini suit with over the knee socks and carrying a teddy bear backpack. It was horrendous.

Aw thats cute