Yvette Regrets

Listening to the album now on Spotify and it's good but I'm not sure if she'd ever be able to recapture the genius of Little Earthquakes or Under the Pink. ALthough I loved Night of Hunters so what do I know?

Skinny dudes love a big lady. At least in my experience…

New Orleans! Maybe Southerners just like big fine women…

The problem is telling an actual fat girl that she isn't fat. i KNOW i'm fat, I'm perfectly fine with my fat body. It's straight up offensive when someone's like "You're not fat, you're beautiful." It's possible to be both and it's gross and condescending to tell me otherwise

This has been my experience. I'm a fat girl and dudes hit on me all the freaking time. It could be a regional thing though…

I have a totally Anglo last name and still manage to be a Latina. Colonization is tricky man

Meh, if my boo asked me to watch and hang out with their pregnant niece, I wouldn't have any reservations about it. It just seems bitchy to try and get rid of family (although I'd also be nice to friends, etc)….

Dear god/satan/whoever: PLEASE PLEASE let this happen. you can have my soul.

Even just the regular old radio stations have such incredibly diverse programming. I mean, maybe that's not the case everywhere, but a quick flip through the radio dial right now, I found: Pop, Country, Salsa, Jazz, Reggaeton, Dixieland jazz, zydeco, Rap, Classical, showtunes, Old timey country, some more Pop, some

My stock response when dealing with Christians at the front door is, "Oh no, I don't care for all that" while clutching my pearls and making a face like they just offered me a bag of dog poo; I have no idea why this works. But, literally, they just turn and walk away every single time.

Every single one of my Sims

My sister still posts at least one bitstrip thing a day. I give her a pass because she doesn't live in the US so maybe the memo hasn't gotten to her yet that she just shouldn't do it. I just don't know

I have the exact same body as Maggie—Love and Rockets got me through my teen years with self confidence intact.

I also thought hooves. What the hell is even going on?

i know this is meant to be sarcastic; but let's get real here. How can any of us actually be disappointed by Leprechaun: Origins? I feel like we're all going into that movie eyes and hearts wide open knowing exactly what to expect and what the Leprechaun franchise can deliver. All of us are going to get stoned,

'"Uhhhh, no bitch." (Directed at Putin)' <—how is this not already our official national policy???

Amazon has a way better selection of super old movies (30's and 40's stuff), and of course, Orphan Black.

not sure if this explains why amy's into him, but i'm a girl and i think nick kroll is super super cute.

Was anyone's first reaction to this anything other than, omg, let's snort it???

I was in high school when I watched this too and probably stoned out of my mind. I literally thought I'd made this shit up (wasn't there a show about someone stealing baby Hitler?) until reading about this here now.