
Thank God for movies because otherwise we'd have no idea that rape was ever a problem.

And if it’s done in a way that’s incredibly sensitive and about the story, what are they worried about? I don’t understand that.

It 100% ended because he blew his nose at the wrong time. Joe Rogan called it when doctors were looking at him, and Cerrones even admitted it during post-fight interview.

Venture capital is inherently a game of odds, where you get a lot of rich people with a lot of assets, pool those assets and throw them at 100 ideas you think MIGHT make money and knowing only one or two needs to be a hit. It isn’t about investing in the best tech or product, it’s about investing in something that may

Yeah, that’s exactly what she’s saying: that the reporters absolutely knew who he was and chose not to report it.

This is like when I went to my first soccer game last year & I was confused that fans don’t get to keep the soccer balls that go out of play.

We’re sorry you’re too stupid to take the L.

Any chance Jeff Van Gundy could get banned from all future NBA games as well?

...if breastfeeding is working and going as planned. If not, it can be infinitely more painful, time-consuming, and stressful than making a bottle.

I assume with 99% certainty:

Wait wait wait. Hold on. Temecula already has a thing. We can’t have TWO highly insular Temecula jokes running around here at the same time.

My question is how does anyone survive living with a judgmental rageaholic like you?

It’s just so frustrating that it is assumed that all art is created by men unless there is extensive evidence otherwise. Then the fact that everybody “knows” that all art was created by men is used as a way to explain how men are just more talented than women.

Conversely, you should clear out the entrails from your sacrifice as soon as you see the first maggots form.

That fucking “Epitome of a team player” tweet is nearly as rage-inducing as the video. Fuck that guy.

I think some your guys’ racism is showing with all of these “that man can’t speak” comments... Nothing he said was impossible to understand, just spoken in a non-white/nerd way.

Cuban suffers from exactly the same problem that all tech bros who get rich and run vanity companies do: they don’t understand that you can delegate authority, but not responsibility. He’s stuck in the “I didn’t see it! I never heard about it! It’s not my fault! Look at all the good things I did!” mindset. Even

women are far more likely to ascend to upper management when an organization is in crisis, when the risk of real or perceived failure is much higher”

You obviously don’t understand the most basic notion of how taxes are applied. The increased tax rate is only applied to the marginal dollars above the previous cutoff. If you make $615k/y, you aren’t taxed 37% on the entire amount...