
Yeah I have friends that think they’re relationship is so sweet and I’m like, are we watching the same show? She has to chuckle indulgently every time a 40 year old man acts like an 8 year old, including eating a dead cockroach on a ‘double dare’ on live TV. Nothing about their marriage is sweet to me, except maybe

Taylor Swift wrote an 800-page, torturously amateurish memoir? Not sure how I missed that.

“I wrote the whole album myself, so it’s a real statement of independence,” she told Entertainment Tonight yesterday.

This follow-on really puts it over the top. Kudos all around.

“I don’t see personal stories that necessarily resonate with me, because they’re not my stories,”said Pratt, “I think there’s room for me to tell mine, and probably an audience that would be hungry for them. The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood.”

Will Smith should not do this movie, but I have to say that Guy Ritchie as the director is significantly more incomprehensible to me. I can at least understand why Smith was approached for the part (more than I can understand why he’d sign on), but Ritchie?

his daughters Erin and Sara have a satirical “reality” show on VH1 called Barely Famous.

Trump told a story, during a Monday meeting with members of Congress, claiming that Langer—a German citizen—said he had tried to vote for Trump in Florida on Election Day but was not allowed, while people “who did not look as if they should be allowed to vote” in line cast their ballots, according to the New York

The new bills could hold these protesters financially responsible for the police resources used in the Castile demonstrations.

As a Mavs fan, we were sad to see him go. He was a great spark off the bench and our old-ass team really needed that. But Carlisle has absolutely no idea how to use or develop young talent, so looks like we’ll keep scouring the “should I retire or play in Dallas for another season or two?” NBA player message boards

That’s the weird thing — I’ve met this dog, and it’s an anxious little PITA that seems to be super stressed out by people that aren’t “his” people. I can’t for the life of me figure out why he thought this would be a good idea!

Yeah, we recently planned a trip for one group of friends to go to a different friend’s (one they don’t know personally) vacation house. One of the people who we invited said yes and then followed up a week later with the news he’d be bringing his dog. I mean, what? How can you think that’s appropriate? I have a

Did you mean to respond to my comment? Because this seems misdirected.

Delta sucks as an airline and has shown its ass in the news recently, but the words “YouTube Prankster” are among the worst in the English language. Team Meteor Strike.

By lying repeatedly.

No, you’re going above and beyond, blatantly misrepresenting what happened to make it seem like he was in danger. He did not have “a group of people around him calling him the n-word and shoving and straight up slapping him across the face as he’s trying to walk away.” Even if you take him at his word — which you

The black guy here has a group of people around him calling him the n-word and shoving him and straight up slapping him across the face as he’s trying to walk away,

“The boy” isn’t guilty yet? Wow, you might want to alert the court that handed down a ten year sentence. They need to know!

The lies were: 1) she said Swinton called her, which she did not (not that terrible); 2) she said Swinton asked her to “tell them” (Asians) how to feel — literally no aspect of the exchange could be construed as her asking Cho to be an emissary for her, even if you’re predisposed to have Cho’s back; and 3) she said

I think that my posts make allowances for — actually, that’s not true, they explicitly state — Cho being rightfully upset by either or both of the facts that Swinton reached out to her at all, and that she felt she had to behave as a friendly tutor because Swinton is a famous stranger. But that doesn’t mean it’s okay