Don’t Gawk too much or Peter Thiel will haul you into court.
Don’t Gawk too much or Peter Thiel will haul you into court.
After the ejection, Devin Kurant went on Instagram to say that the no-call was bullshit and Kevin is very handsome.
The face of a angry Cro Magnon, the mouth of a sailor, the pointing arm of a Jewish Grandma.
I bet these women aren’t strangers to burning a lacrosse on someone’s lawn either.
The $76,000 was for 7 people and the NFL had to pay their lawyers’ fees, so each person basically got about $11,000. I believe they were also eligible for compensation from a larger lawsuit.
I’m guessing they already got their refunds for the actual tickets, and the $76,000 was damanges for travel to the big game and being promised seats that weren’t delivered and such. But, $76k probably isn’t even Jerruh’s weekly hooker budget, so I’m not sure it qualifies as taking him to the cleaners.
I felt the same way? I hope this was for some guy who just bought two tickets, guessing the face value would have been two to three thousand, and that he didn’t incur too much in wasted travel costs, etc. Either that or that it was that amount plus court costs.
Jones seems like the sort of guy who would have behaved exactly the same way over 76 cents.
If one opposes both Jerry Jones and Donny 2 Scoops in court, history will be your friend.
Hopefully this case will serve as a reminder to the public that Atlanta blew a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl.
These kids rule.
Is “your people” bad? It feels like it is bad.
Aside: When Goldblum does the Conan show it is invariably awkward and hilarious.
(Listens to Siamese Dream, still enjoys it)
Just watch the shows you wanna watch. Don’t get all “keeping up with the Jones’s TV watching habits.” If you don’t care, you don’t care and that’s okay!
Honest question, but how rare is this really? We hear about the various high profile screwings, and they are outrageous, but how often do student athletes quietly transfer and we never hear about it because they are nobodies or on no-name schools or playing less than headline sports?
+1 Leitch triggering
Look out now...Romo made a joke about Deon’s tackling acumen and Prime got butthurt. His skin is as thin as his analysis.