
Hmm. So I listen to prog metal and Queen, watch English soccer, and drink Genny. I identity as white, but perhaps I am part of a less odious subgroups? I’d like to think so. White-ish perhaps? Trump-hating honkey?

What the fuck is white culture?

Ugh. I already want Kermit Davis to get Kermit Washington’ed.

Color is a social construct

They are chartreuse.

He juuuust got bit outside.

Now playing

Well, this is as good an excuse as I’m going to get to post one of the all-time-great late-night appearances by one of the all-time-great comics.

“The last white rhino is gone. Now I’ll never be able to kill one.”

Don Jr ponders the meaning of the song, staring into the distance and wearing his new big-boy boots

Ironically, he could use some work on his offensive lines.

LeBron looked at the scale, saw that he had gained 7 pounds, and immediately blamed Mario Chalmers.

suggests what seems like the obvious likeliest culprit: one hinky or two different scales

“The beatings will continue until morale improves.”

But then you also suggested that the Patriots bench Malcolm Butler for Super Bowl LII against the Eagles.

Wow. Wow. Bulls suck. Wow. Wow.

Don’t know why there’s much mystery about whether a kid like that to get ejected. Seems like a pretty black and white situation.

The real crime here is someone named their kid Dacey.

Scientists generally don’t use the word theory that way. Theories are well supported by many data. For example gravity and evolution. This idea would be better described as an hypothesis or model.

Psychology professor weighing in here: It’s definitely useful for educators and others to be mindful of the different types of strengths and weaknesses people can have. But putting aside semantic discussions about what it means for something to be an “intelligence” vs. a “skill,” there is a major statistical problem: