
Are you from...... Sunnyvale?

It really is brilliant. I think I remember Piggly Wigglys doing the same thing when I was a kid.

Karma’s a bitch

For sure, I’m also a smug asshole that barks at people if I see them leaving their cart around.

That’s why it’s borderline enraging to me when people just leave their shopping carts in the parking lot right next to where they parked instead of taking the 15 steps to the return area. Just give them a break.

Skin Cup

Seems like the whole game would go by with a prevent defense and a lot of low scoring finishes.

That’s so true. There was a story on here a few months back where Felger went off on someone on the air for not having a good work ethic like he does or some shit and I got into an argument with a commenter who said something like “it’s unfortunate how some people respond to capitalism.”

O god I hate Felger so much

And he insists on covering the wing but hand checks the whole time

God damn, this is so good.

And his recurring role on The Mindy Project.

True, but they could fill in the gaps of football that we are used to that wind down in January like Thursday night games and less games on Sunday.

To be fair, it is 90% stuff about Trump so everything else they talk about can feel overshadowed

That’s weird. I’ve seen a ton of coverage about it on CNN.

Are they good now?

+1 Isiah, or -1 “a”

Follow up question: what did Six Feet Under get RIGHT about being a mortician?

Of course Russell Westbrook was good in college, but there was absolutely no indication he would be what he became in the NBA. You are excused for thinking he’d fizzle.

The Jayg-wires.....so upper midwest.