
+ $1

That journal article is pretty neat, but is only able to look at conditions that lead to the northern areas above The Wall have permanent winter and other areas have more temperate climates (which you alluded to in the article), but isn’t able to figure out how to make areas switch seasons, which is a major bummer.

So true, but the thing I truly hate about watching football on tv (which is the only way I watch it, I haven’t been to a game in years) is that unless there is a quick slant route, you can’t see what is happening downfield until it’s within 10ft of a receiver. You literally can only watch the pass rush until the ball

I think you’re right. Much like the position the Republicans saw themselves in when they couldn’t put together a half-way decent healthcare bill after bitching about it for years, drilling in ANWR probably is not a silver bullet to turn around their local economy but it is convenient to blame for your troubles.

Boy is his face Red Baron.

Just out of curiosity, why put “fans” in quotes?

Now playing

I mean, that’s just not even close to as good as Grado.

Is it a coincidence that Wilson is the only one of the three QBs that promotes a product that he claims prevents concussions? OR IS IT PROOF THAT IT WORKS?

You deserve more credit for this.

How a Mormon joke was left to the comment section of an article about the historical context of the name Joe Smith is beyond me.

“Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of (Nick Young) on (Jeremy) Lamb!”

“The taskbar changes to show whichever apps you have open on that desktop, though pinned app shortcuts (on the taskbar) stay the same across all desktops. If you need a way to manage separate areas for web browsing, and spreadsheet making, and image editing, it’s ideal.”

I feel you. I too lost my login key to my other account but I was never out of the grays.

This is a good and nuanced opinion and should be taken out of the grays.

Rex is our quarterback.

Not to mention she is also a racist asshole that went on talk shows to perpetuate that idiotic birther conspiracy.

3 seconds in the tent:

Is the deer named Felger? And does it think Yost got what he deserved?

There were really only 2 things preventing him from being absolutely completely dominant as a PG and that was no jumper and not being able to dribble with his left. If he becomes even just mediocre at both of those things the universe will implode on itself.

I don’t mean any disrespect, but this comment almost reads like a Trump tweet. Except I agree with you, though.