
Hey hey hey hey....use the breaks baby!

It’s like the people that DON’T watch the games are going through time dilation

4-4 but only because we lost power from that weird storm in the northeast last night.

For whom

I also thought they were under .500 at the break, but I guess they were actually 4 games above.

Not to mention they weren’t supposed to get that far anyway.

Got em

“That blown coverage was so disastrous, I’m surprised the defensive coordinator didn’t name that play ‘Trumpcare’.”

To be fair, Karl Malone thought he would contract HIV from Magic Johnson from guarding him.....

Old-er than him but I definitely wouldn’t say that dude is an old man


These actions are ridiculous. I feel like a nymphomaniac is also a nun. 

Ranking Folks:

Just more proof sports fans will boo athletes for getting down on one knee in certain situations.

Also, if he really hasn’t seen/heard/read why the players are protesting, then what the fuck was the point of the bullshit story about him and cops?

NCAA/Schools that these assistant coaches are from: “These vultures profited off of the hard work and dedication of these kids while offering them nothing of real value in return. These actions are sick and all individuals involved must be punished!”

Right. I meant the whole line.

“It’s a dog whistle to the racists among us to say otherwise.”

This is a good point, but I think the fans thought they were going to keep kneeling throughout the anthem.

Today I learned that it’s ok to accuse a president of being a foreigner by demanding he supply his birth certificate and calling it fake after he does, but calling the president a bum is just too much.