yutaka fukufuji

At least he died doing what he loved, inconveniencing motorists.

$1,000/month for six months to $70,000 a year plus bonuses? Power never gives voluntarily; you have to fight for it, every damn time. Solidarity.

Fucking hell he’s always been a dirty player.

How mature and brave of you. Does your arm get tired from patting yourself on the back for such heroism? I deplore the president but his saying “give him a chance” is not an admission of support. By no means deplorable enough to never listen to a historically great comic again.

You guys are really stretching to find things you don’t like. As if that cgi ryuk in the Japanese adaptation is any good

Pictured: Las Vegas P.F. Changs owner.

That’s bulkshit and you know it so stop with your phony “Everything is shit since bleh” it’s not true. Mass Effect 3 was an amazing game aside the last 10 min so fuck off right away. Dragon Age Inquesition was loved all around so again you’re just a liar.

I absolutely love Mass Effect 3, shitty ending and all. It doesn’t have the best ending, but the individual character stories all have excellent conclusions. Plus, it has the best combat of the series. Mass Effect 1 is still my favorite, but 3 closely follows it.

Deadspin literally has a tag “Athlete Dong”

What do you care then?

Aww need a safe space and a tissue? Making fun of white people = ok. Black people? NO U RACIST!

But it’s okay to make fun of....Becky......and Chad? Equality at its finest folks

Um no, a signal light does not give the driver the right to cut in, drive through or turn into anything.

It’s called poetic justice. For all those liberals out there screaming that they need to have the freedom to “be their true selves”, well...liberals are hypocrites. It’s easy to see she’s being stabbed in the back by fellow liberals and the very ethnic community that she supported and affiliated herself with. The

i feel like it’s best to take these adaptations on their own merits, and enjoy them for what they are. films just can’t achieve things a medium like manga, comics, books, anime, etc. can, things are going to have be done differently. for example the live action attack on titan movies felt like a great kaiju battle

I have a better idea: Fuck you.

Jesus H. Buttered Popcorn Christ. This might be the most sanctimonious thing I have ever read in my entire life. I can only think of two possible explanations.