I wish someone could hand our PSA’s to celebrities to inform them of the many ways PETA absolutely and totally sucks.
I wish someone could hand our PSA’s to celebrities to inform them of the many ways PETA absolutely and totally sucks.
Sessions is now trying to get his hands on innocent protestor info 😕
Sessions is now seeking all info on those that have visited a website that helps organize Trump protests.
Everyone still raves about Woody Allen, so I wouldn’t hold my breath.
If I remember correctly he is not convicted- he fled before the trial.
I’m trying really hard to imagine the devastation one must feel to live a life of luxury in France.
Isn’t this the same Fox guy that did that horribley racist Chinatown segment?
You know you have white privilege when you “riot” with a damn tiki torch.
Me too. . . and considering she’s been a powerful multi-millionaire for ages now it must have been even more shocking.
No- it’s so dads can leave their kids (but not too far!) and wander around the “sporting goods” area while moms head to the cosmetic section that’s conveniently located on the *other* side of the toy section.
A Scooby villain.
He’s the villain we deserve.
Having worked on a set with both of them before, I suspect it’s because they have very fundamentally different personalities.
This is absolutely false and and just more made up racist nonsense- Michelle’s mom did NOT receive pay and does NOT receive a pension.
If we live long enough it’s going to be infinitely amusing to hear how world leaders feel about Trump once he’s gone.
What’s so unfair about it all is that Trump didn’t inherit anything good from Obama, but Obama was helped out so much by Bush!
It’s not just entertainment though- it’s the same with very successful businessmen and other well-paid “white collar” workers.
While I generally agree, Chappelle has created this whole “I am so tortured and abused” mystique around himself for so many years now that it comes off as a little bit “off” when he seems to be devoid of empathy for almost anyone else.
This is such an unfair characterization-