If it takes me 25+ hours to get it playable post release because of crashing and another 20 to figure out all of the main features were lies? Shouldn’t I at least get a refund for what should be a lawsuit for fraud?
If it takes me 25+ hours to get it playable post release because of crashing and another 20 to figure out all of the main features were lies? Shouldn’t I at least get a refund for what should be a lawsuit for fraud?
Prohibiting surcharges is a rule that shouldn’t exist in the first place. Why on earth should banks get to protect their income at the expense of retailers and people who pay cash?
I wouldn’t mind them taking a page from the NHL and awarding the losing team in the case of sudden death. Yeah, they don’t get points for a full win, but they don’t lose rank after a really even match, either.
Been stationed there and unfortunately among all the service branches the culture of the Marine Corps tends to be the least, shall we say, progressive? The Commandant of the Marine Corps (Conway) was the most vocal opponent of the repeal of DADT and open integration of gay service members, right now their brass are…
I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.
Look at what the wife actually says, guys. She’s worried about his safety, she has a headache, she brings up reasonable refutations of his points, she gently tells him that they just can’t…
Hot take:
But she literally got handcuffed for trying to talk over the judge.
The day companies get penalized for anything...is the day we have democracy back...
Yeah, and major news outlets make millions doing the same thing. 2016 is the year of Offended White people and Butt hurt Tumblr princesses.
I’m not trying to police women’s costumes, or how they choose to make money. I’m laughing at how attempts to apply feminist principles to cosplay invariably end in an incoherent mess. This guy is actually buying into the entire idea of “rah! rah! owning my sexuality doing sexy cosplay and celebrating these characters…
He was referring specifically to the models who work all sorts of events at convention centers, like boat shows and car shows. I’ve known one, she was a very nice young woman from a small town who understood that she was well paid to stand there, look pretty and withstand varying degrees of sexual harassment. She quit…
Modeling is an art, definitely, but if they didn’t make what they wear, then they are modeling.
This is fucking stupid internet drama. That there is even drama over the fact that they won’t fly someone out to cosplay for their show is fucking stupid. WTF? Is this a thing now? Hiring remote cosplayers? Dafaq?
I sometimes wonder if it’s because the age barrier changed so much. As far as I can tell, a lot of trolls are kids who wouldn’t have been able to get an account in the 90's.
I wonder how many more people would engage in online gaming if the minority of extreme trolls were weeded out?
It's also worth noting that the disciples specifically told Paul to quit preaching...
I think someone can reasonably call themselves a Christian while thinking Paul was full of shit. Don’t see why a person couldn’t believe in Jesus and the accounts of his message, while not believing that Paul had a random vision of him.
I’m not Christian myself, but it makes sense to apply the term to people based on…
The only people upset for the most part are Americas that love to complain about everything (and have little to know understanding of how movie studios work) America is just a bunch of whiners.
I disagree. Sometimes, you don’t realize how toxic a person was for you until you get some time and distance. 25 years ago, one of my best friends and I had a massive falling out. She cut contact with me - because SHE had done something awful and then she got upset that I dared to be angry about the thing she did.