
It’s on pirate bay if you search for the game title.

I bought a $5 piece of shit from Ikea. It’s solid, opens right up for easy cleaning, and has so far lasted ~5 years.

But imagine a Lucio “Black Jesus” skin. Maybe a Lucio “Black Buddy Jesus” skin, even!

This came out already?

Not only is she attractive, she’s not-white!

The real people at fault here are the parents for being shitty parents in the first place.

I’m pretty sure a part of having your app on steam is that for any purchases made through it (for dlc, or in this case, other games), steam gets a cut.

Pictured here, Jesus clearly wants everyone to have boners. His thumb is in an upright, erect position and he’s pointing at you (or anyone who walks by). Clearly boner-pills are endorsed by God already.

with his hand on a Bible

Jezebel, in true american fashion, latched onto something in the most extreme ‘I’m insulted’ way, and insulting two other groups of people in the process by completely fucking up the nationality of the actor playing the were-monster.

Windows mobile. Ha! You go play solitaire and damn well be glad you’ve got even that.

If the restaurant offers delivery during a storm, it’s absolutely OK to order delivery during a storm.

Should just leave the US altogether, aliens don’t really attack the rest of the world unless it’s by accident.

Oh god damn it. Next time can you mention it’s still in kickstarter at the top of the article?

You’d be shocked to know how much theft is from inside sources in retail. Sure, a lot goes missing off the floor, but it’s typically low value shit. All the expensive shit goes missing from out the back.

It means the guy in the apartment next-door likes dongs, and while he’s ok listening to all the crazy man-love going on, he doesn’t explicitly or exclusively go for that kind of thing himself.

Joke’s on you Valve, my credit card on file has been cancelled due to unrelated fraudulent charges! See if I care if you share my billing info or not!

to be shipped to Turkey, and it somehow later ended up in Syria

He’s a rich, old, white racist that’s never had to answer to anyone. And now he’s got TV cameras in front of him lapping up everything he says.