I never made it without biting. Ask Mr. Owl.
I never made it without biting. Ask Mr. Owl.
We lived long enough to see ourselves become the villain.
The fans ruined Star Wars for me way more than Rian Johnson ever could.
“the last movie was partially about how Star Wars is for everyone, not just the special few who think they deserve it”
The people complaining about her use of “cunt” are the same people who joyously voted for “Grab ‘em by the pussy” president.
These people are hypocrites. They are scum.
OK, who else did the thing where they throw their shoe from one hand to the other because Mr. Rogers did it?
(And who else has found themselves when counting something to break into the old - OnetwothreefourFIVE... sixseveneightnineten...ellleveen, twellllve. Doo doo doo doo dodedoo)
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that protecting the white man’s God is more important than protecting the rights of…
I enjoyed his show, greatly respect Mr Rogers and think that the world would be a better place if more people followed his example and died in 2003.
And Porkin’s 2: The Next Day...
Way to go, you fucking toxic nerds. Solo was a good movie.
I was 12 when Return of the Jedi came out. You know what I had between 1983 and the SE releases?
Dash Fucking Rendar.
All you pansy ass pansies whining about “oversatuation” need to tape a fucking aspirin on and get back in the game.
I guaran-damn-tee you that…
The audience at a high school in Kentucky was caught trying to make graduations great again when the valedictorian…
Mindy Lee is a concept artist and illustrator who has worked at places like Pandemic, Dark Horse (she’s been…
For the past few days I have been searching throughout my house for a fuck to give about the people who lost their…
ABC: We’re bringing back Roseanne!
Most reasonable people like to see racist scum fail.
I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.
All trump supporters are racist scum.
Watchman is a super faithful adaption of a work of satire done by a person who didn’t realize it was satire.
Now help me hem my brand new skirt!
If you want some lemonade you gotta start manipulatin’.