
And the bartender is...Jackie Daytona.

to be this stunningly stupid is an achievement, in a way

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I think it’s a spin-off of the sort of thing Lawrence Welk did back before most of us were born, turning popular songs into commercially palatable (yet still recognizable) tripe for white people’s money.

Winter Soldier is still my favorite MCU movie- the fight scenes are just SO GOOD. They are so well choreographed. I love how the entire movie builds up the Winter Soldier as this just badass mofo, and when he and Cap finally throw down.... It DOES. NOT. DISAPPOINT. That first Cap vs. Winter Soldier fight is SO good.

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Herk Harvey worked for Centron, whose shorts appeared semi-regularly on MST3K. I can’t find a list of Centron shorts that he directed, but it’s hard to imagine anyone else being responsible for “Cheating.”

Was thinking of that one since I’ve seen in on TCM. It's about a Elvis look a like that gets turned into a killer Turkey that drains the blood of it's victims.

Did they ever do Bloodfreak? That movie is a doozie.

This quote will never not be relevant:

AMERICAN LIBERTARIANS”: Fiat currency sucks and is unsustainable!

Some of their best riffs were actually them riffing on their own credits.

“Its the amazing Rando!”
“Puppet handlers? There’s no puppets in this movie.
“Watch Rando the magician construct sets with his very mind!”
“We’d like to thank the people of St. Paul who are, in order, Anderson A...”
“Eastman! He came out of the east

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spoiler: it’s actually copaganda shit with a mild sci-fi spin to disguise that fact

I can’t begin to tell you how deeply screwed up that ending left a 6-year old me when this came out.   The bad guy literally IN HELL encased in the body of the killer robot he created.  

History shows again and again how nature points up the folly of man.

Counter argument , TDK was the worst thing to happen to comics movies ever .It basically promoted the idea that the only ‘good’ comics movies were the super grimdark ,brooding, ‘I’m super super serious you guys*” miseryfests, that appeal to 14 year old boys who think that being moody makes them deep and neckbeards.

Moderate Democrats are conservatives.

While we’re on the subject of failures, why don’t you eat some avocado toast or something that Millennials supposedly do instead of buying houses and diamonds? Are you really mad that instead of fixing the world up the way you want it to be, we spent our youth getting fucked up and piercing ourselves in strange

I’m glad to hear lung cancer has won its battle with Rush Limbaugh.

Running, jumping, climbing trees, and putting on makeup when you’re up there.

she didn’t just identify as a transvestite, she was an executive transvestite.

came here to say that.

they are an evil minority in this country and should be treated like it. no voice. obliterated into obscurity until death.