The only thing we can do now is go to DC and burn that motherfucker to the ground. Get ready to fight in the streets, people.
The only thing we can do now is go to DC and burn that motherfucker to the ground. Get ready to fight in the streets, people.
I’m trying to come up with a list of entities who deserve our righteous anger about this event. Here’s what I have so far.
1 every news organization in 2015-2016 who helped legitimize a destructive campaign
2 entities that are willing to make “a stand for democracy” or whatever now who didn’t bother in ‘16
3 Mitch…
we are so fucked
Shocked to see Chris D’Elia has been accused of being a comedian.
He’s always been the guy from Phantom of the Paradise to me. Of course, I’m from the one city in the world in which that movie is venerated above all others (except maybe Slap Shot). And Williams has been here many times to take part in the civic Phantom celebrations, and sing the songs. Why does he do that? Just for…
I love Emmet Otter, but I have to admit that if I had been one of the contest judges I probably would have voted for The Nightmare. Those guys rock.
Me still not can hear “When River Meet Sea” without getting tears in googly eyes thinking about Henson’s funeral.
Me, although I was very young! I vividly remember it circa 1980, though.
Finally, Warner’s back catalogue of classic films can make real money by doing what they did before: moulder away in a vault, unseen and gradually forgotten.
Amd they will do so in the usual fashion: by implying that both sides are wrong because they care about things and if you care about things you’re a terrible person.
South Park’s response to The Trouble With Apu should probably be to just stay quiet and hope no one wants to make a documentary called Mongorians At The Gate.
Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh—men who have never experienced any real disappointment or struggle or pain and are openly hostile towards and mocking of those who have—I just want those motherfuckers to lose.
Ten months after the movie came out, what we really needed was to hear an opinion on TLJ that is exactly the same as eleven billion other opinions we’d already heard.
He’s my favorite lesbian in the Senate.
Oooohh! A Sailboat!
Counterpoint: opinions of whiny nerds on Reddit count for less than nothing. This remind me of those MRAs who publicly congratulated selves for hurting box office of most popular movie of all time. Know why Last Jedi made 1.3 billion dollars? Because lot of people liked it.
Welcome to another edition of The A.V. Club further kills this site and commentariat by dropping every review of some great shows, in full, within 24 hours.
Hard pass.