
Manhunter is the shizz. Some of the best, most compact visual storytelling in the history of superhero comics.

"Jackson Browne was so powerful in the early 80's he could cause premature ejaculations."

It's insidious.

I love his defensive "You make it sounds so ominous!"

Disqus keeps flipping me from account to account.

I kinda felt like the final moments of this season came together as impactfully as the end of Season 3 did, in its way.

Where does John Hurt's War Bobby fit in?

This is legislation that cuts across all ideologies.

Can't imagine why the Vega failed with that kinda pitch.

for people who can't handle pretendy-times.

@flirtycardassianwaitress:disqus I look forward to it!

"Somehow I thought you'd be taller."

I was quite pleased to see him in IM3.

"That sounds like progress."

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus I try SO HARD to remind myself those TV movies Never Happened (bar one)

It's great we've come far enough we can be nostalgic about this.

Yeah, I don't think Trek needs to embrace cynicism or nihilism, but I think it needs to be OK with the idea that it asks questions about its own inherent sense of optimism and have the courage of conviction to play it straight.

The presence of Section 31 is one of the most vexing things about ID because that's actually the part that would be a decent intriguing movie: After the destruction of Vulcan, does Starfleet hyper-militarise or do they continue to be explorers?

I love "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges."

God save me from people who don't recognize that if you don't test the limits of Rddenberry's ideals of human perfectibility, then it becomes so much dry-ass dogma and watching Trek becomes just as much of an ordeal as going to Church for those who don't feel the spirit with sufficient strength.