
Oh no, no. I have the same problems with it that I do The Final Cut, which is good ("The Gunner's Dream" and "Two Suns In The Sunset" are some of the best antiwar songs ever, I'd say) and Pros and Cons has some great tracks ("the title track and "Every Stranger's Eyes") and I love some of his wordplay on the album

"Feels like I've got immunity against nothin' at all! Nothin' at all!"

freeze-frame on Andy and Red, "Any Way You Want It" starts playing. . .

"I am just!"

ooooooohhh . . .glad I taught that . . .fuckin' wooooo—ooorrrddddd . . .

To say nothing of a certain Mr. Jay Garrick.

"In the blink of an eye, Patrick Stewart pretends to be a pretty lady."

It's a weird office culture, admittedly.

And the mastermind behind this? Peter Garrett.

*"Eye of the Tiger" plays, they fade into a painting*

Never said it was a brilliant one.

Machadaynu, Machadaynu

The George C. Scott version gets me at multiple times, not least near the end when he finally accepts Fred's invitation and in convinced he'll slam the door in his face.

Never mind a Thailog figure woulda been a slam dunk if they were determined to do colour swaps. . .

*page turn*

. . .in their horrid glue.

"But it's a HUGE tower of trash!"

Also played with during that awesome-ass sequence in the Justice League episode "A Better World" where Alternate Batman justifies the Justice Lords making Earth a dictatorship by snarling that they'd made a world where no eight-year old child will lose his parents because of a punk with a gun"

No Rum Ham in the sewers.

For me, the money bit of the Donner cut is the screen test with Lois figuring out Clark is Superman.