You’ll love this:
You’ll love this:
Looks like a Demolition Derby starting line. No perpendicular roads.
This reminds me of the Wolf of WallStreet Countach scene.
Much like doctors, pilots have to have a “hard skin”. They have to keep the cool when shit happens. That creates reactions like that, just like when a doctor jokes (among themselves) about a pacient not having to buy the big toothpaste tube.
My guess is that it just wasn’t efficient to have the rear hatch open. The structural integrity would suffer if they didn’t change the plates and probably all the rear end. Sounds expensive for a product that wouldn’t give more room and would change the engine of an already successful car.
Also, there was the Brasília…
For whoever is looking for a nice one:
For whoever is looking for a nice one:
Always bugs me to see a fine-ass brand new looking Tsuru get destroyed just for the lulz.
Dude, AWD Golf always wins.
I like my sinks slav
The price.
You have a point. My intention was to avoid the “oooh it’s too buggy, I’m not buying it ever"
Yeah, I know the point is not that. I just know that people will burn the game and avoid buying or playing it because “I read it’s too buggy”
Shit happens, doesn’t mean it’s a bad game, I’ll just wait with my preordered copy. I get the feeling I'll love it.