Major League Eating
“Dear Mr. President. There are too many Star Treks these days... please eliminate three.”
The fact that there’s basically no way that Harry and Meghan could possibly produce interesting content means its pretty much entirely Spotify’s fault that they offered that much money to them without hammering out more concrete terms about how much content they would actually be producing. It’s not a surprise to…
Image trying to make people like you by giving them free stuff, only for them to loudly tell everyone, they don’t want it, never asked for it and aren’t your friend...
Seriously, fuck Florida and fuck “Stand Your Ground”. It’s legalized murder, over and over again.
I had 7000 TVs. Prove I didn’t. Now give me my money!
Famed Zoomer influencer David Attenborough is at the heart of this scourge of wokeness.
20 years ago people like you were the type of person that would say at parties, “I don’t even own a television!” with the implication that they were superior and more cultured. I was bored by those people back then too.
Well, five of these questions are answered by “after the opening credits of Episode 1.” Honest mistake, easy to miss if you take an hour long coffee break once the opening title flashes.
At the end of the game, it is revealed that Bobby Ewing isn’t really dead and the whole season of Dallas has been a dream. We only find out when Victoria Principal finds Patrick Duffy in the shower. No one who played the game could believe this happened.
Every now and then they come close and the show gets ok, but they really just can’t stop making it Star Trek: Burnham.
“Watch her full Tonight Show interview above.”
When I was 15, my sister brought her boyfriend over for the first time. They came into the living room where I was laying on a recliner. I thought to leave but then thought it would be rude. She left the room. He immediately got up, apporached me, said “Howya doin’” and put his hands all over me. I was 85lbs. and…
I’d guess “Senior in high school” explains that. I remember basically the same thing. Everyone (my age) thought he was awesome, especially for the McDonalds scene. I didn’t actually see the movie until some years later and remember being surprised that he wasn’t the good guy. I probably would have bought into it in…
I can just see a former A.V. Club writer doing that outside their offices.
One of my favorite movies. Love this scene in particular: