Yuri Kropotkin

And if you wanted Cumberbatch - who was a hot enough commodity then to put non-Star Trek fan butts in seats - just make him not Khan. You could reference Khan. You could make him one of Khan’s followers. There are SO MANY ways it could have worked.

Okay. I did a podcast series on the Ghostbusters quartet of movies, and the thing that I will maintain until I die is that while part one was pretty bad for Ernie, it was expected due to the fact that this was a role originally written for a bigger star, and once that star didn’t take the role, his lines were reduced

Andor.  Which, not coincidentally, is the best piece of SW content outside the OT by a wide margin.  

Has anybody, anywhere, ever intentionally clicked the “load more slideshows” button? Seriously. There’s no way, right? Surely, there’s no such thing as a slideshow enthusiast, who’s so enamored with the format that they don’t even need to know a general theme or subject - just a promise of “more slideshows,” about

Sad news.  I just don't know what to do with myself.

See, AV Club? It was much easier to write an article about this than to put together that video clip on the same topic.

Seriously, where are the articles about that sweet laurel canyon sound known as Dawes?

Zack Snyder has a hard-on for Superman being a villain. It’s where he has been trying to take the character during his entire “reign” as DCEU director. He had him fight Batman in BVS, then he went crazy in Justice League, and of course in his extended epilogue of the Snyder Cut, he’s just straight up the bad guy.

I knew I was right to hold onto my 5.25" floppies!

I still can’t quite believe that Bella Ramsey is almost 20 years old. She is terrifc as a 14 year old. Ellie’s childlike enthusiasm—for arcade games, broken down cars, stupid pun books—is a damn delight. The emotional bonding between Joel and Ellie in this episode wasn’t anything original, but still heartfelt to see

imagine being enough of a fuckhead to type and publish this comment, seek help

Best comment here. Lock the reply button.

I will never get over in one interview where she implied that it would be better for Trump to win so people would hurt a little and vote for a real progressive next time than for Hillary Clinton.

Sorry, Susan. I’m still not over you helping get Trump elected.

I think Bill and Frank’s happy ending in  episode three is exactly the dose of hope needed to make the rest of the show have stakes.

Bartlett was quoted in an EW interview that was posted after the episode aired that it was (I’m paraphrasing a bit) like having this big, sprawling, incredible horror/sci-fi story and then just dropping a beautiful Sundance film in the middle of it. Highly accurate.

Now playing

The crescendo of Marquee Moon might still be the most important 90 seconds of music in my life.

To help today’s increasingly selective audiences, I think all movies should indicate whether or not they’re “A Knives Out Mystery”. For example: