I’m confused. People of his generation always claim they grew up in different time when racism wasn’t bad and blackface was comedy gold.
I’m confused. People of his generation always claim they grew up in different time when racism wasn’t bad and blackface was comedy gold.
Somehow I doubt that language actually exists in the resolution. I’d be shocked if it were, and I’m already shocked that you considered it even remotely likely enough to wrote a long post about. Maybe you should just bring up the resolution and do a Ctrl-F search?
Get the Runs from the Border!
Taco Bell is the first place many people think about whilst experiencing something, potentially explosive. Most likely a G.I. of some vintage, went fishing some decades ago, but didn’t have a stick of dynamite handy.
Whoa, hidden gem! LOL
They teach that smile at ‘nice white boys’ Prep school.
I would’ve said Martin Shkreli.
Ugh, I know, I cannot ESCAPE those stupid ads with that ugly pinkish gold thing on it. They seem to be everywhere lately.
This makes me so happy. Deb Haaland is my rep and I proudly voted for her.
Ted Cruz needs to do whatever the fck is necessary to hide that hideous fcking face of his.
It’s a great quote. I find myself thinking of Hitchhiker’s Guide often. Adams was really good at keying in on the ridiculousness of human existence.
I truly cannot understand how people can put money before the health of other human beings and the the health of the ENTIRE PLANET. I’ve been thinking about this quote from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy quite a bit lately (I won’t copy the whole thing here because it’s way too long).
Yeah, but what aren’t they showing us?
The institutional failure is heart breaking. It seems like you only need one or two people to do the right thing to bring the whole house of cards down, but it never seems to happen.
Unbalanced Creature Configuration is the name of my new band. We are working on our first album, EEL UP YOUR NOSE.
They’re never gonna survive unless they get a little crazy, amirite?
Gang, I hate to thread-jump, but I just wanted to let any parents, or any fans that Stephen Hillenberg, the Marine Biologist and creator of SpongeBob SquarePants, passed away today. He was 57, and had been diagnosed with ALS about a year ago.
When I first glanced at the photo a bunch of times on my Twitter timeline I thought it was a back with a lot of moles.
May I submit for consideration, “Pestilencians”?