Yuri Gaga

He’s wearing a hunting vest.  Was he expecting to do some trophy shooting?

This will be facebook’s second-highest priority, right after “stopping the promotion of virulent white supremacist propaganda”.

Fuck this guy. His insipid vanilla music should should be adequate to discredit this notion of “great art from tortured men”

I even hear that in defense of the slavery era, e.g. “you can’t judge their actions by today’s standards”, etc etc. Were the abolitionists in the 1850s/60s judging slavery by today’s standards, or by universal moral standards?

Senator Blood is very concerned about fake meat.

Thank you. I was 15 comments in before somebody answered the initial question “is that language actually in the bill” rather than huffing into a fainting couch.

But Ancestry.com allows white people to discover that they’re part Scottish!. I’m sure that’s worth any risk.

Going Galt on sexual harassment, or Lizard-brain Lysistrata?

Explosive Tacqueria

He smiles like Jared Kushner

And then Kinja requires that you disable it.

Yes, that gem that Forbes corroborated, which prompted a slew of bad faith arguments that she was out of her depth.

Apparently they advertise on Splinter too

annoyed by Ocasio-Cortez’s threat to back primary opponents against members of their ranks she deems too moderate...

Growing mold on rancid food doesn't make it any less rancid.

“If we can’t solve this problem with a one-liner in the Jezebel comments, then it’s not worth considering at all”

Lamestream Media will still say “Liberal wing causes headaches for Pelosi” even though it was the conservadem he-man woman haters club who are creating trouble for her.