Yuri Gaga

Chipotle Coli

Even supposing all the Easter Eggs were found, how long would it take to watch all possible storylines? The Haruhi Suzumiya enigma

From an unscientific poll of the comments on this and a related Jezebel article this morning, I learned that the #1 problem facing America today is that some people are trying to quit smoking.

I withold my consent to breathe engine exhaust, but here we are.

I know places we can hide

Case in point

Have they considered hiring some fame-seeking republican grifters to represent them as their CEO? That strategy never fails.

Eel Team 6

Maybe Insight had some undeveloped pictures of the measles outbreak on the same roll of film.

Pence can't congratulate NASA without also giving a tongue-bath to Lockheed Martin.

“Pathogenic Americans”

Does Jayne Q Patriot happen to explain how the Pentagon benefits from California seeking billions of $$ in disaster relief?  Isn’t that money they’d prefer to keep for themselves?

Worst Turducken ever.

American charges extra $$ for the “privilege” of sitting in the airplane longer.

“nor do we condone this by any means.”

Is this one of those “both sides do it” arguments?

Waitaminnit...DST does not cause the sun to set earlier in winter.  Everyone should do like Arizona and simply change timezones twice per year.

Job-killing regulations!

The GMG style manual should adopt this convention post-haste