Lesson learned. Don’t bring a paintball gun to a chainsaw fight.
Oops, didn’t realize you were specifying utes.
They kinda were... and no one bought them...
It’s much more fun to embarrass a bad driver in a 500hp car on a technical twisty road while you’re driving a car that’s lucky to be putting 100hp to the ground.
Agreed, although I actually think the 86/BRZ/FRS is overpowered. -AE86/CRZ owner
I was in your position and moved to a place with tons of great driving roads, and have never looked back.
I too would like to know this.... for reasons...
Make sure the sunshade is retracted before ejecting.
I could afford one no problem, but that’s mostly due to not having kids. Friends with kids have shown me that kids incur expenses you never even knew existed, like having your dog’s stomach pumped because a toddler thinks Lego/Snickers sandwiches are a thing Dogs eat.
Fancy Kristen just buys the kid she wants that day.