
Fuck this shit. Fuck this shit. Fuck this shit. Fuck this shit. FUCK THIS SHIT.

Long ago, I worked for an ad agency that did a lot of work for heavy industry and equipment manufacturers. One of our assignments was a 50-year commemorative piece for an engine company, and they wanted to use a shot of a particular motor. The only imagery they had of it was in a series of 1950s-era slides that

Funny enough the photographer and designer behind that ad is a girl (A-Jing)

The pic itself is (as another commenter noted) lazy, but the “Take it” part... that’s where I find myself getting (mildly... bc I’m numb to this shit nowadays) offended.

There’s a local guitar shop that does this kind of shit all the time. I’ve told them I’m never buying from them while they do it, I’ve shamed them publicly, and they keep doing this sexist lazy shit.

You think this makes women musicians (or men?!) more likely to use your shit? I don’t. Make good shit and we’ll buy it.

No, fuck that, the body doesn’t even look human to me, the skin looks like plastic, the armpit crease looks manipulated. Is it supposed to be an illustration? The artist is a photographer but anyway.

As a musician, no.

SMH. I got a subscription to Guitar Player a few years back because it was dirt cheap (less than a dollar an issue). I was underwhelmed because a) little to no usable content for me (a guitarist for 40+ years); b) the ‘editor’ eschews content so he can pimp his various projects in every issue; and c) the ads. I would

“Contrasting the straight lines of the product and the cool metal against the beautiful curves and warmth of the human body is art, and I had no other intention besides but to show that contrast

“The photographer and designer behind that ad is a girl.”

Ladies, come on it was done by a woman and therefore couldn’t possibly be sexist!

Funny enough the photographer and designer behind that ad is a girl...

What I find the most bothersome about such ads is how strongly androcentrism influences Marketing professionals. Their entire job, training and education background is supposed to serve the purpose of expanding, reaching and promoting to as large an audience as possible. Yet they can’t shake or look beyond the

Funny enough the photographer and designer behind that ad is a girl 

Considering that this is an ad, the photographer didn’t actually come up with the CONCEPT for the ad, she just shot some photos. Ask the Creative Director and the Art Director who actually came up with the concept. I a), bet they’re both men, and b), the alleged contrast had nothing to do with their rationale.

i thought this was some sort of home mammogram thing.

This ad is so over the top and ridiculous, I expected to see Nigel Tufnel from Spinal Tap in it.

Funny enough the photographer and designer behind that ad is a girl

We work with music and musicians, from all genres, religions, colors, sex, and backgrounds…and we support freedom, plurality and equality across the board.

Why are they having children design their adds?