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    “In NYC you are supposed to have ID and bus fare (so, $2.75) to not get charged with vagrancy.”

    Tell Pirelli what? That their calendars the last few years have been amazing?


    “an interdisciplinary performance piece and meditation examining themes from A Seat the the Table through movement, installation, and experimentation with reconstructed musical arrangements, composed and conceptualized by Solange.”

    This look is way better.

    Yuen’s part is so small that he’s not even with them at Cannes.

    The Cannes audience disagrees with you. lol

    They booed it at Cannes....

    Yeah. Someone said his son’s birthday happened while he was in NYC DJing at a fashion show in February. That’s horrible if it’s true.

    This story made me tear up.

    It really is.


    You won’t find much.

    Nitty gossip gritty:


    There is something gross about these old dudes desperate to fling around their stale elderly sperm at yoga instructors in an age bracket that should be birthing their grandchildren not their children.

    Thom Yorke attributed the glitches to “fucking aliens”

    Oh, of course, you’re one of those. The “get off our lawn” branch of the party who thinks they’re on the front lines of activism because they’ve checked a box next to a “D”on a ballot.