
I just want to know when kneeling became a bad thing. Do these people no kneel at church? 

Just for the cops. I didnt mention personal guns, though god knows we also need reform there.

Relieve them of their gun. Period. We should move a system more like England where most police have no firearms. 

Sure dont.

Ahahahahs you people are such deluded idiots. 

Who cares?

So, what’s the point of the I terest at all if you can only get a Max of 9,999 caps or whatever for one month of saving. That sounds like absolutely miniscule and stingy considering the amount that book charges for loans for different properties and things. 

If only they had some sort of way of finding out who owned the car, a sort of plate maybe with a sequence of letters and numbers unique to each driver. I also wish they had incredible flying machines capable of following the car from a safe distance.


Someone at work owns one of these and drove it to work last month. I was extremely excited when i saw the thing in the parking lot to the confusion of my coworkers.

Since mine has an extra 0 in there *cough100kcough* I completely agree.

I was really really hoping that it was the motorcycle on the right. 

I dunno if its the microphone or what, but all the higher pitched lip smacking wet sounds from your lips hurt my ears.

“Latin” Is already asexual.

The sheer amount of ads on this article are astonishing. Do I just not read enough kotaku on my phone? It is literally 1-2 ads for every paragraph.

Just think how nice it is that there’s still water and electricity, food and internet. Having been in the caribbean for the last two big hurricanes and seeing my island leveled it was months before we even had water. Half a year at least for electricity. 12 hour waits for gasoline.

Low level workers are easy to replace. High level executives less so. It’s might not be true for very company, especially very large ones, but my step dad is the president and ceo of a small company and he works longer hours and harder than anyone else there. Hes keeping the company afloat through his hard work and

*That’s assuming that a little piece of me hasn’t died already.* Lol oh the drama

This is a drawing. They havent done a thing yet,

Maybe you can ask the Chinese and Koreans, whom the Japanese killedmore than 10 million civilians in their own hgorrific attacks which included incredibly inhumane experiments, you can ask them if the bombings were justified.