
I think I am finally emotionally prepared... To still be completely dissapointed that after waiting all this time all I’m getting is the part of the original game that I thought was shit and couldn’t wait to leave so I could finally get to the actual game. So I get to wait however long it takes them to get the

Is she an idiot?

Yes, yes,, we already know that hacing children changes your brain chemstry to make you love having kids and be happier about it. I like me the way i am and i dont need people telling me how the hassle of kids made them eternally happy.

Oh. My. Fluffy. God. I would buy the shit out of this. 

Its Kike said with a spanish accent isnt is?

He sure looks brown enough to be middle eastern.

Do christiuans really want to go back to being so grumpy and touchy as the other religions. At least yall are cool with having fun with it, dont ruin a good thing.


Right, but a cartel doesnt murder us on the way there here. (A lonely guy with a grudge does.)

Then we should definitely not play pokemon, which has been using the same old tired formula for decades.

Ah classic troll.

THIS is the right take.

The white person won. 

She should have stayed with the ref instead of trying to confront her directly. If a dog snarls at you for no reason you dont walk up to it to confront it about its misplaced agression. 

Harmed? Its was a fucking agressive handshake. If the other girl is gonna be an not so passive agressive bitch talk to the ref that already saw it happening and dont escalate the situation with someone that is obviously over agressive.

Ok Boomer (Only cause you mentioned millenials)

I love it when everyone claps when i flying back home in Puerto Rico. I wish people would clap more often.


At most equally sad as the guy who wrote a whole blog post about something that really shouldnt affect him.