
That particular asshole came out of crazycar ladys back seat and appears to be trying to start something with that driver.

Too bad the graphics are ass.

You just named some of the best candies 

Barf. That is a bad pictuire,the one below brought me back around :P

And the worst part of this is that you have to fly out of JFK. 


Cool article! A small correction though, Bell’s V-280 Valor  uses tilting props unlike the the Osprey which uses tilting engines. Tilting the props by themselves increases stability.

I did say derivatives of the BRZ. :P

Miata, BRZ and derivatives? Those are really the only two right now.

Its true this time, theyve had a lot of reliability issues.

But then you have a heavy, unweildley, not fun to drive at all,hard to park pickup truck. Not that the Mustang is a featherweight.

Save it for the weekends and use the subway during the week :P

I vote Mustang on this but damn it had such a boring color. G

Except they also decided to ban the interviewers, even though they had no control over what he said in their broadcast and were obviously uncomfortable with it.

Oh thank god, I dont know why this weas bothering me so much until i realized he was just making a stupid grammatical mistake.

It’s comments like these that remind me that sheer blind idiocy knows no racial boundaries.

Honestly, yours is the best way. Since i learned they were splitting them up for moneygrabs I think i would rather just wait for the master collection or whatever will come once theyve finished them all.

This game seems to me like “The Hobbit” movie vs the book. Stretching a middling portion into a full game wont end well.

So you threw your vote into a fire? Got it.