
pervasive? I feel like i internet a lot and never heard the term before this minute

Never heard the term.

How about i carry no cash, like i do now, and just tip them from the receipt witht he tip section that every business shoves down my throat. I dont like carrying cash. I dont have petty cash at home for tips. 


Huh some of the pictures i love the looks sometimes i dont. Also i want the camo paint.

The F40 is boxy and ugly to my eyes, The GTO gets a pass, the 959 is hideous, The 037 also boxy and hideous, and the Delta is literally two squares.

Im sure theire friends and family personally following this story will be both comforted by the empty prayers with not chance of reaching them and horrified that others found his job abhorrent.

Even the cars is debatable, the 80s was the start of the boxcar era

Id rather have the NA V8

But but they did all the clay! And they stuck a fan in front of it! Its totally a real Supra!

If i want a gigantic heavy brick then I will by one of those. But i dont. 

Lol yea, because men are the chatty cathies.

Sounds like Temple in Philly. Parking there is super expensive and so I just walked every day instead.

Porche Carrera is also a good bet. Theres some in the 35k section here. Im in this excact boat so this was lucky for me, and my pick is even on here!

Funny that since social madia and the internet in general became big this is less and less true.  

Sorry the RF is just too sexy, easier on the ears for the gf, plus I have a fear of slashed tops. Which is why im buying a gts


Or you can accept that hes human instead of putting him on a pedastal. He has still done a lot for science and helping further science literacy. If it turns out the rape allegation is legit then he should be punished. The sexual misconduct is more of a gray area to me, excepting the one where the girl quit. 

So even if hes innocent he still has  to put in real work and show remorse?

More like lamebow.