Do they not allow pillows in that place?
Do they not allow pillows in that place?
What you are saying is that no women in these facilities have ever done something they shouldnt with a male client. Is rape the sole providence of men then?
Theres also the fact that women also rape, but if a female nurse rapes a male charge theres no real way that they could get caught at it.
“Karen Gillan has a comic book?”
So you would be fine letting your kids walk down the street if it was a regular car coming?
What was gay about it?
I feel like the title and tone of the article is misleading. This is worldwide fatalities, most being from poorer countries with loose regulations.
This is the right take, you dont build up a car you love expecting to make money off it.
meh, not everyones catholic but I sure do like money
I cant be the only one that found Killmonger to be stereotypical and boring.
Buick = gross and insta pass.
lol “things are great” Except the US is a laughingstock lead by an idiot.
Ill admit that me and my mother are two of those 5. Shes hooked even though she denies it and every time i gave her a ride she would make me stop at every pokestop and gym, so I started playing because I was already wasting time stopped every 5 minutes. It took me 40 minutes to get home today... I work 10 away.
I went the other way, from modern supercars to classics.
Holy cow I didnt see how old this was!
Cant kids eat regular food far before theyre 4? It seems like breastfeeding until that late is a hangup on the moms side and not related to the kid needing it.
Who gives a shit? Seriously, music is not god or a religion.
Lol “You also seem to be getting a little too emotional about this internet thing.” Youve been bitching and moaning for ages on something that affects you not one whit because they didnt say it was a closed course.
For all these reasons im giving this car a pass. I would rather spend the money on a nice 98.
Yup. Ive been a toyota fanboy since the first one and im so dissapointed with this. Its nothing more than a bmw and in my mind not worth the wait. If I want german complexity and reliability ill buy a german car.