BMW reliability
BMW reliability
Yup. I dont really see this as a supra or even a Toyota in my mind. Its just a BMW in drag.
Meh, i dont understand why you would thing that about the new Supra ever since its basically just a bmw with a bodykit. I am not happy about toyota farming out their sports cars, what makes them a toyota then?
She might hate delta, but not the manager. Why would you give any random someone personal number?
Except when you have to deal with fuckwits day in and day out, and the current trend of the internet lynch mob makes things even more stressful. Sometimes CSAs have bad days or dont feel like dealing with peoples bullshit.
As someone working in customer service, if a jerk customer pulled the recording me against my will thing I imagine i might overreact and try to get them to go the fuck away. Hell, I once had a black couple flip out at me for a solid 5 minutes calling me racist because I asked for the last 4 digits of their credit…
But why would they want to? Theres literally no reason to do this besides just because.
I mean, not that it wasnt awful, but 4 dead people hardly rates as even top 10 in acts of terror nowadays.
I hope he kept cool.
Are you sure you dont mean “a paltrow-y sum”?
You would be suprised.
lol “shacks everywhere”. What the fuck?
Our electricity was fine, I have no idea what hes smoking but it should be illegal.
Because being gay is a terrible thing.
Then you might as well have the same views to sports and entertainment in general.
I mean, this is what bothers me about all this. It doesnt seem like the girls he dated are calling him out for anything. Its the complete opposite. The one that had a relationship that started at 16 kept being in his life until she was 28, with no hint of any wrongdoing on his part.
No, but you make it seem like its a Christianity only deal. The reality is that this country was founded by religious people. Most people are still religious. The reason that women are second class citizens has nothing to do with whatever religion and everything to do with people being greedy assholes.
I guess working in retail has shown me just how stupid crap like that is.
Kristen Stewart is not hot. Not by a mile. Good lord.