Yea and im sure the kid just trying to make money will find it hilarious/offensive rather than tired and stupid.
Well, the next biggest religion is Muslim isnt it? Theyre not big on female autonomy or birth control anyways. I agree with te holidays though, the us should mix it up.
Person C: Only if youre a Goddamned loser who thinks that alcohol and drugs make you cool.
Stupidest lineup ever.
Oh please
Actually, if you are renting property it does mean you have to assume everyones an asshole. Thats how you protect yourself from that large number of them that are.
Yes, only white people want to do things because they were told they couldnt. Definitely a white only thing.
For the same reason that people everywhere are drawn to doing things theyre told they shouldnt do.
Does it come in a manual?
That front end is a train wreck holy gods
Some of my family members still dont have power or water, though they live in the mountains.
I dont like mustangs but i would buy that
So cool.
came from rock which came from black people. bam
Youve enver had top get something from your bag after the planetakes off?
White people hate OJ? I mean, who really gives a shit about him anymore?
Terrible taste in cars though.
That looks excellent
And how much of that was the producers pushing him to do it? Because if he had just up and left that would have been a short and shitty episode.