That sound is me scratching Australia off my list of places to visit. Sorry Australia.
That sound is me scratching Australia off my list of places to visit. Sorry Australia.
He forgot the most important part. Make sure you tires don't have a 1.5 PSI difference. You may lose control as a result.
Please, keep the ASM storyline.
Can we just please, please PLEASE jump to him just joining the Avengers? Because I really think one more big-screen retelling of his origins is going to be way too much to ask audiences to buy.
what a dumbass... Dude passed a few paint shops and didn't pull in.
Hello fellow Pittsburgher!
Not to sound cold but if he's experiencing this first hand and still thinks his son can play football without similar repercussions is pretty sad and speaks to the lack of understanding, even now, that these players have regarding CTE.
*plunks down for story time* I GOT SOUR GUMMY WORMS YALL.
Has anyone else noticed that these seem to have disappeared as quickly as they appeared? I used to see a couple a day, at least, and now I'll go weeks between sightings (and that's a good thing.)
And that's a vicious circle. As more people get bigger vehicles to protect themselves from other motorists with big vehicles, said other motorists are getting even bigger vehicles to keep their advantage.
Really great points Doug. I am not sure if this is a factor or not, but another reason might be the size of cars on the roads/highways and the relative feeling of safety. If one is surrounded by massive sport utes and trucks all around me and I drive a tiny car I might feel unsafe. If I drive a bigger car I might feel…
That kitteh is about to be runned over!!! Move out the way, kitteh!!! MOOOVE!!!
You can use a seat belt to open a bottle.
Where have you been that you missed the A3 sedan? There were a bunch of articles and reviews on it on this very website
"We got a country to spend $51B. You're move, FIFA"
Better yet what happened to these?
Aaaaand I just realized that Fowler and Davis aren't the same guy.
Went from awesome SUV with lots of trail potential to a soccer mom CUV that can't even be lifted.
The entire Saturn lineup in the end. They went from making unique cars to just copying everyone else and rebadging most of the stuff in GM's portfolio.
I just got back from my lunch break... and seeing this article made my day!