June 30th: Trais walks into Road and Track morning meeting. “Hey guys I know this great platform we can use to run the website it’s called Kinja.
June 30th: Trais walks into Road and Track morning meeting. “Hey guys I know this great platform we can use to run the website it’s called Kinja.
Not a motorcycle, but still a classic:
As a non-motorcycle rider, let me put this out there: when I’m driving, motorcycles scare the shit out of me. Unpredictable, hard to see, and (sometimes) aggressive.
As someone who is seriously allergic to cashews - screw this mother!
First, I love you Kinja deals!
First, I love you Kinja deals!
Apple is clearly better than Ford
Oh shit, what is “travel tag”? HAVE MY KIDS BEEN PLAYING THE WRONG TAG
Dear C.A Pinkham,
Hopefully Kitchenette is bringing in new people so they can phase Pinkham out.
Saying you prefer $8 wine to $40 wine, end stop, is like saying you prefer $8 sweatpants to a $100 dress, end stop. Like, duh — you use them in different ways, and they are appropriate for different occasions.
If that’s a problem, then I’d like my life to be problematic as shit.
OR, John’s biggest victory is that he is 44 and never has to make his own lunch.
Guy: “That an ‘09 Outback?”
Me: “’08 actually”
Guy: “Cloth seats?”
Me: “You know it.”
Guy: *whistles “sweet”
This one time I walked in on my husband and some hooker going at it in the back of his van. They were doing some freaky stuff and had this dildo hard-wired through the seat or some crazy crap. What a bastard! I pulled out my gun and fired 8 shots. 6 shots put holes in the van and I have no idea where the other 2 went.
Is this really about the truck? ‘cause it seems to me those boards deserve a lifetime achievement award.
option a: there isn’t that big a crossover audience between kitchenette and deadspin.
I once ate an entire wedge of Brie because it’s goddamn delicious.
one time i save bread