
All I could think of were other scenarios where one has lost the right to personal autonomy... rape/sexual assault... :sigh:

I feel I need to infiltrate one of these marches... with this sign... all for the small print at the bottom

Just need it to not be connected to me.. 😈

I saved fax numbers a few weeks ago and had to resist the urge to find an anonymous fax machine and spam them.

I can relate as a social worker... for the first time on my career I commiserated within a clients’s mother in stating that cheetolini scared the hell out of me when she’s made a comment and then apologized if I was a trump supporter. There was no way in hell I could let her think I supported him

This would be so amazing!

From your lips to any god of your choosing ..or for this atheist.. a company man/woman’s ears.. 🙏🏽

I saw a brief clip someone posted on Facebook of the inagauarion.. and my first thought to troll was “BUT WHERE IS HIS FLAG PIN” ( he was the only one without it)

His voicemail has been full for days, at least earlier this week 😑 Fuck him.

It just worked for me - verification email took a minute but it came and it’s signed!

I would!

I love Tahoma!

Or smelling one

Trickle on economy

Sure I do!!

I volunteer as tribute

I think it’s including the other provisions that cover people on private plans too - pre-existing conditions, lifetime limits, etc

And there is a cap on what you can contribute - not that I could ever afford to contribute the max amount anyway - but that the max amount for the year wouldn’t even cover 1mo of my husbands MS treatment - let alone me and our son’s meds.

This. Just one of the many medications my husband is on for MS is a 6k monthly infusion. That is more than I make in a month.

Nope, I saw ur too and scrolled down in the comments to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating