
Have you ever read “The Gift of Fear”? Basically the entire premise is that we have finely honed survival instincts through millenia of evolution that tell us through small subliminal clues that we’re in danger, but we’ve trained ourselves out of listening to them. But WE SHOULD LISTEN TO THEM.

I had the same feeling about 2 years ago taking the train home at rush hour. About this time of year (Halloween adjacent), and this guy gets on the train around 5:30 in a scary clown mask (but otherwise regular outfit with hoodie and jeans) and carrying a big duffel bag. He stands by the door and starts doing an

Ok here’s my contribution and I hope it gets me ungreyed because it’s 100% true and scary as fuck.

This is not a ghost story, but a horrible human encounter. This happened about 4.5 years ago:

hell no I’m not linking to that scare fest lmao. i believe it was either last year or form two years ago. a woman went on a date with a guy who wanted to pretend she was limbless or something like that. like he wanted to act out chopping her up. he lived in a rural area so i think she spent the night. ANYWAY DON’T

After being an adult for a few years nothing supernatural can scare me.

Do you remember the story about how the kid was writing a paper with headphones on and there was writing all over the house that said “LOOK AT ME”? It still haunts me and that was I think like 3 years ago.

A racist, sexist, ignoramus with early-onset dementia gets elected President of the United States.

How difficult is it for that crowd to understand that we want to keep the guns away from THE FUCKING NUTS WHO MAKE THEM LOOK BAD. Are you a law abiding citizen? Do you lack a history of violence? Do you have proper storage? Do you have a system in place to keep the guns out of the hands of children or anyone other

Dude it’s even chooching native functionality. Be looking for the 11.0.2 update SOON

I really hate it. I think it’s mostly from being an old-school iPad user and preferring to use what I’m “used to.” I can definitely see how some one could get used to it, but I prefer the minimal keyboard.

They only have to test the thing on like, 6 devices. There are lots of people reporting problems with apps freezing, failing to load, and OS hangups all over the place. I’m not arguing that everyone has these problems, I’m saying that it’s kind of ridiculous that so many people do considering the limited amount of

You shouldn’t be running such an “old” phone! Time to upgrade! Upgrade! UPGRADE!

My 6+ is borderline unusable since the update, why did I do this to myself

IOS 11 was the last straw for me. As a consumer, we have the choice to vote with our pocket books if we don’t like something, and my vote is Apple is not getting another dime of my money. I have a dozen Apple devices, including powerbooks, macbooks, imacs, mac minis, ipod, iphones. One reason is, I have to keep older

Since I downloaded iOS 11 (the day it released) on three separate occasions my notification screen ended up in landscape, and then the app that I opened (usually Whatsapp) was completely buggy, with the keyboard floating in the middle of the screen. I can’t repeat it, either.

It runs like shit on my two month old 7+

Why not implement some sort of long-press / deep-press to “really” turn it off and not just “fake” turn it off? With confirmation if you want.......

For the love of God, would it be possible for Apple to fix the wifi button in Control Center so that it a) actually tuns off the wifi and b) allows me some way to select which wifi I connect to so that I don’t have to go into Settings?

Then you’re a lonely minority. Off is off.