
I desperately want to tweet him #doyouneedasafespacebro?

Having needed PT for my hips.. this machine and other hip flexor exercises do provide benefits. Not enough that I can do a fancy leap and take someone down between the legs tho šŸ˜‚

I was hoping for a side-by-side shot before I noticed this..

It really was šŸ˜©

My husband is not keen on our 6yo son painting his nails (which heā€™s loved to do for years) mostly due to the smell - and while I think he may have some other personal thoughts on why he shouldnā€™t do it.. he keeps his lips zipped and Iā€™m ever so thankful for that. I think the one time there was any conversation aboutā€¦

Twos were not terrible, but I concur with the fuck you fours, I even told/warned my neighbor while at her daughters 4th birthday party this past weekend about the fuck your fours.

Yup, or when they get in your space and youā€™re shooting your arm out to fend the mood off and next thing you know youā€™re back to what it was like arguing with your younger brother. *sigh*

Lord, my kiddo turned 6 a couple weeks ago and between illness, being slammed at work, generally anxious, dealing with full blown SAD (fuck winter) Iā€™ve had a few mom tantrums too šŸ˜¢

I went through a period reading everything I could on WWII and the Holocaust - and bit the bullet to try and read this.. and it was totally incomprehensible. I certainly didnā€™t finish it.

Yup, this! And I currently have two employees I would love to move to salary (pay the same) if itā€™s not going to happen.

Thatā€™s what I came for! My 6yo would love this!

Marry me. Iā€™ll let my current husband know your wit won me over.

This. I loath seasons. My time in Miami while I was in grad school was amazing. Give me that head round. Hurricanes and all.

Samesies - I keep getting asked that and would LOVE t have a second child... and have to tell them it wonā€™t happen until I win the lotto.

Iā€™m just waiting for the HooverVilles to really take hold

Sounds like a mom thing. Every time my son has an ear infection or strep - he will have no fever or symptoms, but he will have what I call ā€œsick breathā€ and Iā€™ll take him in, and itā€™s not his regular PCP who doesnā€™t think itā€™s insane to come in for ā€œsick breathā€ say whatever lies I have to say for them to test (sureā€¦

I havenā€™t gotten one out and in the same day - but removal was easy - and when I had the last one put in it seemed less painful than the first (granted the first was 6w postpartum) - both times the dr had to use this clamp and adjust my cervix and uterus due to a tilt?

Samuel L Jackson or Morgan freeman natch

Iā€™ve had this thought as well. Even told my husbad (a veteran) I was ready to go buy a firearm (we have none, and heā€™s not for it.. but this social worker is!)

Oh photo please! This arachnophobe is a bit of a mascochist