
Gah, me too!!

I read it in 7th or 8the grade too.. and hated it. Still think of it occasionally as well and it still brings up strong feelings for me.

I told my husband I was going to bury cash and firearms in the back yard while waiting for the chance to finally riot

Oh, lord. The movie Kids with my mom šŸ˜¬

Go for the happy dance of both - schizoaffectiveĀ 

I know, right?! I donā€™t want to hop in my car in the snow to drive to stops that have rats showing.. when my neighbors tell me there is a Lickitung one street over - Iā€™d rather know whatā€™s around the immediate area and hunt it down - rather than missing out onthe good spawn points by neighborhood has.

Step 3 back to using a 3rd party tracker

When I first moved to Miami (coming from a state where I consider there to be very poor drivers) I initially thought they were insane. For a minute - then I realized they may be insane but check their blind spot and are generally aware.. and ended up feeling way more comfortable with drivers there than in Utah.

My son calls grandpa ā€œbumpaā€ meaning we all do too when referring to him.. that will stick

Iā€™m not even from the south and just assumed itā€™s a southern thing. That being said, I prefer (or just find it endearing) when Iā€™m called Mama vs. mom or mommy (and would be fine with it even after my 5yo is no longer a kid)

I would take my son to the Dr because he had ā€œsick breathā€ and I just knew he had an ear infection (despite zero other symptoms) and was never wrong

Just today.. the usps delivery man (not my regular guy, I want him back) delivered a package to a house a block away... luckily it was a decent neighbor (and my neighborhood is rampant with package theft) who brought it by tonight.. it happens.Ā 

I just hope good drs label it all as ā€œuterine liningā€ or something instead (not a dr, so I donā€™t know what you could label the remains t get around this)

Ohh! I want to read.. I know I could probably google it.. but do you have a link to their feed handy?

Maybe this recount can include a late voting day for them!?

I mean, I saw a pic of him when he was younger and was like ā€œman, that profile.. that nose.. he was kind of hot!ā€ *hangs head in shame*

I donā€™t even understand.. can I ask how old your grandmother is? Iā€™m just thinking of even my family - my maternal grandfather was medically unfit to go overseas for WWII - my paternal gpa DID fight overseas in WWII.. I know my parents and aunts and uncles learned about the Holocaust in school (and this is in a smallā€¦

THIS!! Thank you! Iā€™ve been bothered by this moniker which I felt was being used as a way to ā€œsoften and/or distanceā€ from what they really are.

I saw the comment after I posted.. maybe stockpiling can be for women who canā€™t access it?

Ooohhhh... my wonderful OB is antitrump. I just got my iud back in even though it means the cysts may return.. last time we did the nuva ring + iud .. Iā€™m sure I could do this again and donate the unused hormonal BC...