
Crazy. My husband has MS and when her started school they had to do some titers since his mom couldn’t find all his records. His MRR (I think, it was one of the biggies) one was low, but given the MS, and one of the ones he would could cause a severe reaction (per his very reputable and good neurologist) he had to get

I feel the same way, so much guilt but to some degree paralyzed in not know what to do in a way that is sensitive and not about making myself feel better - because I really want to do things that are supporting those less fortunate and privileged than myself in a way that is supportive to them. Growing up and living

Yeah, I was working with a senior who turns 18 in the spring who was sad she’s couldn’t vote and would have to wait 4yrs - and I was like “MIDTERM ELECTIONS VOTE IN EVERYTHING NOT JUST PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS” 

Please tell me this is his typo “

Yeah, it’s scary. My husband often says he’s one virus away from being wheelchair bound - and that’s WITH the 6k monthly infusion he’s on to combat MS.

As a white woman, I am overwhelmed with guilt and shame of those who did vote for him. :,(

I’m referring to him as Second in Command Satan

My husband has multiple sclerosis. I’m about to make a picture with him and the tag line will be “uninsurable when ACA repealed/defended” (stolen from a friend who did that for her child, who was born with serious medical issues - the end of the pre-existing condition clause would mean if he and many others lost

Ahh braletts.. ones I could pull off with my breast size (and would love to, I hate bras).. but I have the cursed side effect of what I call “nursed a baby nipples” - which were made worse by having them pierced in my early 20s. I guess if I can find suitable pasties in bulk I would be ok.

My brain saw this as “Jesus lap dancing Christ”

Yeah, when he was born my mom commented that my stepdad would get the cysts and he had to get them removed.. how hair grows out of them, etc. 😬

My 5yo son was born with a space that wasn’t fused, I fear pilonidal cysts are in his future.


Mine would be myspace or even Friendster - before I rescued them and shut all that shit down


I want to see the video from the guy in the cage

My best friend fought for years wanting one. She was finally able to get her tubes tied when she had her son (unplanned, surprise) during the c-section. She was covered by Medicaid (as her private insurance had no maternity care) and had to keep reaffirming that she wanted it done and be diligent to sign papers 30days

The chewable melatonin tablets from Costco are a GODSEND for my 5yo

I think even with sleep training things can flip flop - at least they did with my son. We never coslept and he was in his room from 6mo - 4.5 - it was never an issue and I was pretty adamant about needing my own sleeping space. He then he developed some anxiety and started creeping into our bed at night or falling