
Ugh, SLC has a failing out door mall - I thought the same damn thing - snow, cold, etc all winter - then 105 degrees in July?! And you want me to PAY TO PARK?

Just the outside doesn't look appetizing - but the description of the the flavor? WANT

I also crave sushi!

A teen I work with had to have her father sign a release form for her science class today... To talk about evolution. I thought her dad was going to die. We shared numerous eye rolls.

I just need to know what to do with my average sized breasts and my horrible sensory aversion to a tight band. I don’t trust the fitting I had at VS - but find even if I’m fitted at 32/34 - it’s unbearable. So I up it - right now with an extender because I cannot stand the band. But if I go for larger bands, then the

Seriously I stocked up on them when TTC

Tina joining the show as a “Serapist” made those episodes the best IMO

Ahh.. My Vet husband has these.. One day out running some guys yelled out the car window “hey sweetheart!” I have since dubbed them “sweetheart shorts”

This is similar to my experience... Shitting, throwing up, fever. I had gotten into the tub to warm up and the effort to get out was too much so I was crouched on the toilet lid (of course it was closed), getting another uncontrollable bout of the shits... All over the toilet, floor... Covered the bathroom. Ended up

A just turning 34, I don’t feel I fit the “millenial” definition at all 😁

I take Slut pills because I had 2 giant ovarian cysts that had to be surgically removed (2 surgeries, one year) and then was paranoid it was my slutty IUD. Now Slut pills raise my cholesterol and BP.. Lord I miss my Slutty IUD

I did donate to planned parent in “honor” of him when he called to defund PP. He received a nice letter with his name letting him know. Same with Mike Lee

Absolutely agree. I've needed pain killers on a few occasions (surgery, messed up hip, etc) and while it relieves my pain (mostly) it also makes me want to crawl out of my skin.. I can't sleep, I itch, I become emotional and generally hate how I feel.

The book is FANTASTIC - highly recommend.. Then watch the movie 😀

Agreed - I switched to a new OB back in 2009, I had my clear (and all previous yearly paps since I was 15 clear) in August 2008 - saw my new OB in January 2009 - and bam - CIN 3 - clear since LEEP - but by god you WILL NOT convince me to go every 3yrs (I’m 34 now) - I will still get a yearly pap - I was shocked at how

I liked it too!

We had a story locally recently where the delivery drivers car insurance wouldn't cover the damage either, after finding out he was working

I would read the shit out of that blog!

This. Childcare cost is the number one reason I may have to accept “one and done”..