Yup, my wonderful OB has given me that speech a couple of times, in November saying I’m 6mo away from “advanced maternal age” (i.e. Birth after 35). Feels weird, but yeah, not to be taken personally
Yup, my wonderful OB has given me that speech a couple of times, in November saying I’m 6mo away from “advanced maternal age” (i.e. Birth after 35). Feels weird, but yeah, not to be taken personally
I want Brendan to get a new legal team - his case breaks my heart
I don't comment enough to know if I'm grey or not, but I bet I am! Ungrey me!
Yup, im a “skinny fat” too - some is genetics, but I’m 5’1, below 120, etc - and on the verge of needing cholesterol meds - despite the fact my diet is not totally unhealthy. My good friend’s mother also has type 2 diabetes, and she's extremely active and slim.
What about the toy cell phone IN THE EAR!?!? How is that even possible?!