
Yup, my wonderful OB has given me that speech a couple of times, in November saying I’m 6mo away from “advanced maternal age” (i.e. Birth after 35). Feels weird, but yeah, not to be taken personally


I want Brendan to get a new legal team - his case breaks my heart

I don't comment enough to know if I'm grey or not, but I bet I am! Ungrey me!

Yup, im a “skinny fat” too - some is genetics, but I’m 5’1, below 120, etc - and on the verge of needing cholesterol meds - despite the fact my diet is not totally unhealthy. My good friend’s mother also has type 2 diabetes, and she's extremely active and slim.

What about the toy cell phone IN THE EAR!?!? How is that even possible?!