Anyone else think of Chris Rock when they read the "I support equal rights for women" line?! don't get credit for that - you're SUPPOSED to support equal rights dude...
Anyone else think of Chris Rock when they read the "I support equal rights for women" line?! don't get credit for that - you're SUPPOSED to support equal rights dude...
That's a fair point, and I don't know. From reading the linked Buzzfeed article, it seems that the school administrators didn't handle the investigation well. E.g., "Kevin was given a "no-contact" order but wasn't formally charged. Another administrator told him not to worry, since the texts, while "stupid," were an…
Agreed, unequivocally. If Dude was OK with putting his name out there, dude could have at least opened a dialogue about this. Saying "Maybe I did do something wrong; I didn't see it that way but discussing publicly our differing viewpoints on what happened could only open eyes and expand the way we, as a society, view…
You should consult a dietician, if you want dietary advice. They hold post-secondary degrees in nutrition science and are regulated.
I switched to doing videos at home for a similar reason: it's already there for you, and you don't even have to get dressed.
The deal with them is that, in general, more often than not, their boss is also their mom.
I used to sell memberships in a mid-range, non-chain gym. And yes, they want you to go, because (a) these things are owned by crazed fitness cultists; (b) they genuinely believe they're providing a public service and teaching people how to become healthier (often true); and (c) they know you're not going to renew if…
Especially considering this is a *PA* bar. WTF are you doing with a Redskins fan club? Phillies or Pirates or go home.
The real problem is that society trains women from childhood to communicate this way, and then blames them for it in adulthood.
Also: maybe the difference isn't men and women but people whose work is paid well/valued v those whose work is not and who therefore need to find other forms of value in the workplace?
Duuuuude. You pretty much just did say "all ladies in the workplace are annoying, slightly codependent over sharers." I also love my dude-friends and pretty much need my brother-substitutes anywhere I go, but it's not bc I think ladies suck, it's bc I love both dudes and ladies.
A commerically-sold no-prescription-required test should not require a graduate degree in genetics on the part of the user.
True. I once had a cabbie tell me that he kept a stash of condoms in the glove compartment, and that they were all magnum, if I knew what he meant. And he would not. stop. talking. about the condoms. And how he knew really awesome private places with great views where he would often park with the ladies. Luckily the…
Full disclosure, I work for a nonprofit but I won't say which one. I will only say that in addition to the huge, well-funded national or global nonprofits, give some thought to your small local nonprofits. They invest more in your community locally than the big guys, and I promise that they need your money more. My NP…
I always think it's best to give to charities that you have a personal connection with. Not just a cause you believe in but an organization where you have volunteered or know someone who works there or has benefited from that charity's work. None of the charities I give to will be any that someone here has heard of…
I love long johns and have an array—thermal, silk, printed, etc. I also use leggings for this purpose too. They're more comfortable than tights if I'm wearing a dress with boots and my fleece-lined ones are the best purchase ever.
Other concerns: taxes, healthcare, and a student visa. Not sure if you can legally work there if you're on a student visa, either. So the tuition is free but there are plenty of other things to keep in mind.
I'm fluent in German, and I looked into colleges there but the thing is, even though the tuition is free (or very affordable, depending on the university), you still have to pay for your living costs. And I hear it's hard to get work over there to accomplish that, especially if you have a spouse.
story time!
I'm a book collector and conservator — for all books, they will keep their shape best if you store them upright on the shelf, closely packed (but not so tight you can't easily get them out) with other books of similar size. Also, use an acid-free glue if you are going to tighten a spine or reattach pages/covers (a…