
Since their airlines have been tanking, flight attendants have become MUCH more surly and hard to get along with.

People still smear cake, unfortunately. My parents always told me that couples that do that end up getting divorced, which if it's not true, I want it to be. Show some respect for your partner at this huge event where they've spent all that time & money to look good for the hundreds of photos yet to be taken of

Ah, in that case I would smell something fishy too :) Especially if you're C-Suite, chances are your name is already all over various places on the internet in connection with your company anyway.

Actually, I can totally understand if employees of companies get nervous about having their names in an article about their company. I've seen some scary stuff in handbooks about not being allowed to talk to the press, that anyone who says they're a lawyer/journalist needs to be referred to the proper department, etc.

Did it work for you? I've had constant acne since the age of about 19/20, and antibiotics only helped while I was on them, for those three-to-six-month stretches. After 5 years of treatments I'm sick of it and about to start Accutane.

The first time I took doxy was awful - I took it on an empty stomach per the directions, and then was out walking in the sun and felt awful. Nausea, fatigue, vision issues possibly related to the first two symptoms... When I told my dermatologist, she told me to make sure I take it with a full meal the next time,

It must be large family logic :) The adults chatting and drinking while their kids find ways to amuse themselves is pretty much how every wedding, funeral, or big event ends up in my family. Plus there's usually a couple older teenagers or 20-somethings happy to play with the younger kids.

Plus, if you only invite two kids, they will be bored out of their minds. I say if you're inviting kids old enough to sit and eat by themselves, you need to invite enough to fill a table. Once you've filled the kids table, I can see using that as an excuse to not invite more kids... but it's much easier to justify if

I can't trust this list - is she really saying that over 20% of her ex-boyfriends were women? That would actually be really interesting...

It's like modelling your diet after cavemen. Wait a second...

Where did the Edit button go? Anyway here's the interview I heard quote the actual stats:

I remember that study clyemne's quoting though - and I think the same researchers found that doctors can accurately diagnose a patient within something like 2 minutes, but cut them off after 20 seconds. I'm actually pulling those numbers out of my you-know-where, but it wasn't 20 minutes. Basically, the point was that

You begin by calling the hospital and speaking to their billing department. There are tons of stories about US hospitals knocking off $$$ from bills, probably helped in part because the prices get so inflated from our strange insurance system. So a lot of reputable people advise that if you get a high bill from a

One of the arguments in the US for the longest time was long waits to see doctors in countries like Canada & the UK. "Are you prepared to wait months to see your doctor?" It's a ludicrous argument because I already have to wait months to see a doctor (I recently tried to set up a check-up with a general practitioner

Honestly the problem is that I'm picky. I love Modcloth designs, but to get something that's not polyester and doesn't feel super cheap on their site, I'd have to spend more than I'm willing. (Their two-tiered system of clothing quality is both lovely and disheartening - want something nicely made? That'll be $85.

I wonder if she doesn't use her photo because she's a female driver - could it have caused her problems in the past?

Apparently it's just a fee for the seat belts.

Yeah, those all sound like good tips for avoiding muggers (which was a problem on the outskirts of my college campus, and staying near blue lights/alert boxes was good policy). If it was a plain old "assault" orientation, then it would be more valid.

Last week I was out and the bartender came over with the check looking so embarrassed. Before she handed it over, she had to clarify that she wasn't the one who wrote the name of the tab. And she was so apologetic, I was dreading what it would say - which turned out to be "mushy cheese." One of us had ordered mac and

Is it sad/wrong that I kind of love him, a little bit? Just for his succinct and pitch perfect response to the whole situation. "My bad." Saying so much with so little.