
Who are these "standard shoppers" who take only seven minutes to find specific items in a Home Depot/Walmart/Target AND check out? Unless I've looked for the item before or am just very familiar with a store layout, it can take me some time to make my way to a specific item, then back to check out and through the

This is not at all what happens when I do in-store pick-up at Target. Maybe it's the layout that's the problem with your store - I've gone up to the customer service desk, where the person there heads back behind a door where they keep the pick-up orders, and it's usually fairly quick. It's definitely quicker than if

I don't think Catholics are saying Mary regenerated - if you believe God impregnated her, you can totally believe he provided her with a Y chromosome. It's not exactly a leap.

Thank you - I have least can hold that close to my heart, as something I have over tampon users :)

My biggest problem with tracing is language and changing political borders/political upheaval. My family considers their Polish heritage kind of a lost cause - my uncle figured out the general vicinity his grandparents are from, and suspects a village in what's now Lithuania, but we'd have to put in some real serious

It's a matter of finding the right fit, I think - I use pads for reasons, and had to shop around to find ones that were thick enough for my flow, but the right size/shape that I don't feel like I'm waddling around. Some brands are also just so cheap they're not worth it.

I remember once in high school, we were hanging out in a large-ish group, and my friend wanted to have some "girl talk" about her boyfriend, so she announced something like "sorry guys, I'm so out of it because I got my period this morning." Most of the guys found a way to exit very quickly - except one, who was

I interpreted the question as, "Am I sleep-deprived, hungry, or just emotionally needy right now?" Because it's surprising how often my anger is exacerbated by hunger. Pain feels like it needs a separate spot on the list...

Oh, I always wonder if the gifter thinks I'm smelly/unsanitary. If you're going to give hot sauce, definitely make sure it's the good stuff.

Have you tried a free website that you can use to "save" online articles you find useful, like Evernote? If you're not referring to your printed out materials often (that is, if you haven't found it handy to have it readily at hand on a regular basis), then you need to toss and stop printing it out. My rule of thumb

Wow, and I thought soaps were awful gifts to get from someone. Slimfast is one of those fads (and hasn't it been over for years?) I always thought was for people who just don't understand the whole reduce calorie intake + work out more equation. Like those "healthy" "weight-reducing" smoothies. But as you pointed

That's a great list - I would just add "a painkiller" to the list for headaches/cramps, & it's pretty complete. Not very kindergarten-y though.

I have a theory that orange subway lines/cars are always the dirtiest, from my time in Philly & Boston. I know part of it is color theory, but the actual subway stops on the BSL really are disgusting, and much more so than the stops I've been in on the MFL.

Oh man, people have no idea how weight works for tall ladies, do they? (or maybe just ladies in general, but speaking from personal experience - I'm between 5'10"/5'11") If you asked any "no fatties" guy what their weight cut-off would be, it would be way less than I could weigh and still, you know, be alive.

I live about 15 minutes outside a city (and I'm talking 15 minute train ride from downtown), and every once in a while run into a guy who will only meet up with me if I come into the city/close to his neighborhood, but won't ever in a million years come out to my neck of the woods (even after a first date when I come

It's too bad our vages (vagi?) aren't hanging out, making it easier to photograph them and send those pics unsolicited to unsuspecting menfolk...

It's a good point - there are fewer instances to actually get recorded and passed around.

I had this happen in one guy's first message to me (he started with "here's how you can improve your profile" and then asked if I wanted to meet up sometime - I think he was supremely bad at negging)

All of your "types" have male equivalents I've run into multiple times on internet dating. Yet somehow, the "cunt why didn't you answer me?" type just doesn't seem to include women in their ranks, which was the point of this whole article. Way to miss it.

Ugh - networkers. (This is me giving him the benefit of the doubt that his main aim wasn't flirtation but self-promotion) Glad he was self-aware enough to be embarrassed, and that you kept it so classy