
Maybe they just didn't realize they were for gay weddings, since homosexual behavior just doesn't exist. "Mr. & Mr.? Maybe it's some sort of double wedding."

Agreed. I like Chrome & Gmail much better on my iPhone than Apple's native apps - which makes me all the more willing to consider a Google device next time I'm eligible for an upgrade (darn you, AT&T).

We also need to acknowledge the fact that even if you're enjoying your job, you're (on average) spending 8 hours a day doing it. I like playing tennis, but if I had to spend at least 8 hours a day doing it, I'd crash. So even if you enjoy your work, you need to get a balance and spend some time *not* doing it and

I think this happens a lot - managers don't want to deal with the hassle of 1) reporting the fake bills and 2) being short all those 20s (or bigger fake bills).

When I worked retail, we had a Secret Service agent come to our store & gave us some literature on recognizing fake bills. Apparently there was a problem in our mall... Anyway, they're not the Buckingham Palace guards that everyone thinks they are.

You mentioned it before you started, & they said it was OK. Plan ahead for anything that they'll need while you're away & make sure you don't leave them in the lurch to show that you're reliable, but life comes first, works come second, & a good company/boss will understand that.

Every job I've had so far definitely offered it within the first year (& a couple were entry level). My current job technically didn't offer any until after 6 months - but I'd already planned a vacation a year in advance before losing my last job, & they let me "borrow" the vacation days I'd accrue later in the year.

Their coverage map is a little deceptive. PA was highlighted, but when I put in the addresses for my recent move in the Philly area, it said "We can't provide service in your area." Oh well.

Oh there's a light on the vanity mirror? Here's $500 more dollars! (said no woman, ever)

Isn't that what the passenger seat is for?

Because when the interaction starts out with the salesperson ignoring you or showing you disrespect, you know it's only going to degenerate the closer you might get to an actual sale. I think women learn that car salesmen (or salespeople in general) who act differently toward us are likely to quote us higher prices

I secretly love driving my mom's minivan for the height. It makes me feel safer, and gives me better visibility than my own small sedan. Driving at night in my sedan is a nightmare, because somehow every SUV or crossover that drives behind me hits my mirrors at just the right angle to blind me. And there's this one

Not quite the same, but there was that story going around a short while ago about the high schoolers who made a sign about their opposing team (whose mascot was the Indians or something) going home in a "Trail of Tears." I think it shows a similar level of ignorance (aka knowing just enough about the historical event

I was on a free tour in Warsaw & the tour guide was shocked there weren't any Australians in the group - I mean, bowled over. Then who shows up 10 minutes into the tour? A couple of Aussies.

Don't think so - it was a 2 1/2 minute video, 7 second gif... But oh well. The total convenience balance still worked out in the tool's favor.

I love how easy this is, & simple to remember. It's a little buggy - I just made a couple, & one resulted in a glitchy gif with only 2 frames... but I hit "back" & tried again, & it came out fine.

We had a required "Teen Issues" class in 9th grade that included personal finance - but it was laughably out of date. No online resources for balancing a checkbook (the class materials assumed we would still do it on pen & paper in special notebooks), & a whole lesson on how to write a check. Still, they did a good

And the RA job gives you a reference when you're applying for jobs after graduation, which is a huge plus. It's a great way to show responsibility and dependability to employers without needing a lot of explanation.

New Yorkers are definitely nicer than people give them credit for - they won't go out of their way to show how nice they are 24/7, but if you ask for help, they'll help you out and don't act put out, either. I was on a subway car last week where two women from out of town were debating with each other over whether