
Which is why it wouldn't be at all out of the ordinary for sports commentators to refer to female athletes as the "top female ___," because they usually compete separately. So then why can't we refer to male athletes by the same criteria ("top male scorer") to differentiate them? If they're two different tournaments,

That's why it's called a "livable" wage and not an "investable" wage. You can literally live on $20K/year, especially in areas where housing costs are low. Sure, it doesn't mean you have a robust savings/401K, but you can live on it, which is more than could be said for the minimum wage in most places.

Here's some of her less-than-stellar behavior:

Well yeah, kind of. I see it as perfectly within my rights to think Madonna's weird British affectations are fake & unnatural, & not enjoy listening to her music because of it. Other people who put on fake accents when they sing (Decembrists, I'm looking at you) bother me.

African American Vernacular English (AAVE) are accent/dialect patterns distinct to black communities in the United States, concentrated in the South/sharing commonalities with the Southern accent. It has nothing to do with black Francophones (or black people of other languages) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_A…

It's not about the place, idiot. It's about playing games with someone just to be a jackass.

Ugh. Yeah, if you were a jerk about the place, he can call it a red flag, but to purposefully wait for you to trip up on his stupid "test" - and what if you just don't like BBQ or aren't in the mood for it?

Depending on where you live, yes.

Yeah, I get it. Agree to disagree. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy thinking those lyrics were thug-related.

It's not the way she talks. She speaks with an Australian accent, then puts on a Southern black one when she raps. So it's something she controls for a purpose.

"I'm still in the murder business" (or "bidness" as she says) from "Fancy" didn't strike you as being about street life/thugging/gang violence? And when she says it in a fake accent that sits so strangely in her voice, it comes across like she's mocking the people she's imitating, imho.

Actually it's French for Sweden (well, "Suède" is, but I figure the accent disappeared)

Don't you think there's more going on with your wife than some guy just showing up in her life? Plenty of women can hold onto female friends without "pushing them away," women who are probably able to sustain platonic friendships with men.

I went on a week-long trip abroad with a guy friend, staying in a room together in different hostels - and there were no sexual undercurrents on either side, at all. The funniest part was relatives or acquaintances asking if I was at all uncomfortable, or if I had a thing for him (or him for me). My friends who knew

What about their friends you're not attracted to? Do they have as wide a range of men to choose from? You're saying the women you hit on have it easier, but not taking into account all of the other women you don't hit on. I mean seriously, do you really go into bars and see every single man in it try his luck with

What about girls who are taller than most guys? Can they control their height, to expand their dating pool by your standards? And I'm with the others laughing at your "woman can control their weight" statement.

I thought that was a veiled reference to condoms, actually. One of the French words for condom is also a kind of coat... Anyway, the metaphor makes more sense - I'd put more faith in a condom than a hymen.

SOME interviewers may try to do it, but it's often illegal or dicey. When I was doing interviews for my company, they gave us a laundry list of topics to avoid.

I've done this a couple times in the past month, though usually to get to where I'm going earlier rather than avoid delays. I'd advise to check when things open beforehand - I showed up almost 2 hours before boarding for one flight out of PHL (I'm a "better safe than sorry" person), only to wait for the check-in desk

There are some cases where it's helpful to correct (I can't be the only one who was saying "epitome" wrong in my head for years), but just looking at all the responses to this post makes me shake my head in disappointment.